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UPC 556

104k Dllama4  7.2 years ago
Auto Credit Based on YuukaNeko's UPC556

The UPC 556 is a highly stripped UMP 45 chambeered in the 5.56 NATO cartridge. It is very lightweight coming in at 6 lbs. due to the extensive use of polymers and alluminum parts. It's accesories include the Trijicon MRO and foregrip. It's rate of fire on fully-automatic is around 650 RPM and it's effective range is around 700 yards with a 15" barrel. It is very effective in cqc because of it being a lightweight, low recoil rifle but it isn't very compact because of it's length. It has a unit price of 1,400 USD (not including optics) and a shorter model with an 11" barrel can be purchased.

Thanks YuukaNeko for this awesome rifle! Thank you everyone for your support! Enjoy!

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor UPC556
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 6.7ft (2.0m)
  • Length 75.5ft (23.0m)
  • Height 28.3ft (8.6m)
  • Empty Weight 10,096lbs (4,579kg)
  • Loaded Weight 10,096lbs (4,579kg)


  • Wing Loading 187.6lbs/ft2 (915.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 53.8ft2 (5.0m2)
  • Drag Points 12323


  • Number of Parts 242
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 580