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London Bridge Ocean Span (crappy physics)

16.2k KerbalVehiclesCompany  8.7 years ago
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Auto Credit Based on Mkenz's Tower Bridge W/ Mini Bus (Lifts and Floats)

Ever since this new update driving on structural wings are not easy...i spent at least 30 brain exploding minutes to build this crappy thing. My attempt was to make this bridge able to span a part of the sea. I spawned at the water takeoff. I tried driving on the frickin bridge and the steering is acting like CRAP! It handle like its driving on super wet ice. This project is now abandoned until someone can fix this. Steer using roll and try driving and steering on the bridge, you see. I thought using these VTOL RCNs would fix it but it is WAY impossible too powerful for this scale. Currently this project is abandonded like i said and its just for frickin display. Its pretty cool this thing can span part of the sea to the main island...and physics is crap enjoy?! PS camera acts like crap in building mode.

General Characteristics


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.517
  • Wing Loading 4.5lbs/ft2 (22.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 11,466.7ft2 (1,065.3m2)
  • Drag Points 87538


  • Number of Parts 219
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 910