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Viktor Schauberger's REPULSINE - UFO

12.2k MadAgus  2.0 years ago


German development of "Flugscheiben" ("Flying Saucers") was not only shaped by the "VRIL Society" ("Vril", a word minted by the author Edward Bulwer-Lytton, that might be decended from the Latin word "virilis", i.e. droughty), engineers like Andreas Epp and Dr. Rentel, but also most namely by Viktor Schauberger. At first he had the same profession like his father: Forest Ranger. From early on he busied himself with the question, how the - in open nature - available "Freie Energie" ("Free Energy") could be skimmed and made useful for mankind. During the 1930's he started to tinker with devices which were connected to anti-gravitation and other physically unlikely phenomena.
According to his own statements, he succeeded in building a small "Flying Saucer" in his workshop nearby Vienna in 1941, which flew by an anti-gravitation power unit. Unfortunately, during a test flight, the device collided with the ceiling of his workshop and was damaged. Afterwards, he claimed, to have been "shanghaied" by the Wehrmacht (German Military) to make his researches and devices militarily useful.
It is said that he built and tested a bigger flying device called "Repulsine". Detailed data about the device are still classified "Top Secret" by the US government and leaked information is sparse, as well as there are only a few photos available. Nowadays a British scientist has evaluated Schaubergers 1940's test results and has certified the feasibility and credibility of the old research findings. Actual tests have shown that a weight reduction of one to five percent of the test device was attainable - which might lead to a future break-through in anti-gravitation research.


Como Utilizar:

Boton 1: Vtol y Estabilizador
Boton 2: Turbina 1
Boton 3: Turbina 2

Es medio complejo de utilizar tiende a irse para atras asi que recomiendo inclinarlo para adelante al iniciar el Vtol y subir la palanca de este para bajar las RPM, y active la turbina 1 para un vuelo tranquilo ah 400 km/h , con la turbina 2 activada tendra de velocidad maxima 800 Km/h y sera mas dificil de controlar, no tiene armamento y su interior es muy simple por ser solo un experimento no militar


How to use:

Button 1: Vtol and Stabilizer
Button 2: Turbine 1
Button 3: Turbine 2

It is quite complex to use, it tends to go backwards, so I recommend tilting it forward when starting the Vtol and raising its lever to lower the RPM, and activate turbine 1 for a quiet flight at 400 km/h, with turbine 2 activated it will have a maximum speed of 800 km/h and it will be more difficult to control, it has no weapons and its interior is very simple because it is only a non-military experiment

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 16.4ft (5.0m)
  • Length 16.4ft (5.0m)
  • Height 16.6ft (5.1m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 14,560lbs (6,604kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 9.029
  • Wing Loading 3.6lbs/ft2 (17.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 4,037.5ft2 (375.1m2)
  • Drag Points 13828


  • Number of Parts 104
  • Control Surfaces 5
  • Performance Cost 761
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    12.2k MadAgus

    @CharlesDeGaulle Yes, it is very similar, although there are images that show this UFO much lower and not so high, but I decided to do it that way because of the model I showed

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    Nice ! It looks a bit like my "Glocke", which I just published !

    +2 2.0 years ago