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Karin-Class Frigate

12.9k Adilan  11 months ago
Auto Credit Based on FlirBlitz's Simple Planes War Challenge United [CHALLENGE OVER]

Karin-Class is a Frigate build by the Kingdom of Malei in 1938.

Designated as a Frigate,the class were made to counter the growing thread of submarine as well as having it's capabilities upgraded from the previous old ship.

Karin-Class were fitted with a radar and sonar device that allows it to detect both surface, airborne and submerged threads.
As for armament,Karin-Class were fitted with a 128mm/ 5 inch RPK-3 multi-purpose gun that acts as both anti-ship as well as anti-air gun.

Because of its fast build time and with cheap cost the Karin-Class were considered the main ship for the Royal Malei Navy.

To aim the gun horizontally,use Roll. With elevation,use VTOL


General Characteristics


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.69
  • Wing Loading 645.1lbs/ft2 (3,149.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 20.2ft2 (1.9m2)
  • Drag Points 30091


  • Number of Parts 90
  • Control Surfaces 1
  • Performance Cost 279