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S.Corp Enforcer C

6,330 Sarin  5.1 years ago
Auto Credit Based on DJS8Corporations's Bomber Challenge ( Closed For Judging )

For the Bomber challenge

Designation :
S.Corp B-12 Enforcer C

Other variants
Enforcer A - AWAC System
Enforcer B - Tactical bomber

Enforcer C - Maritime defense, Medium bomber

History made up

It was decided that the Flush will be put to rest and decommissioned, to take over the Flush's role we have made a few changes to the design such as the removal of the unstable third jet engine, additional Arresting cable to the C variant and adding protection on her wings and fuselage, thus the Enforcer is born

Control :
AG1 - Landing lights
AG2 - Arresting hook
AG3 -
AG4 -
AG5 -
AG6 -
AG7 -
AG8 -
Throttle - Engines
Brakes - Brakes
Vtol - Flap
Trim - Adjustments

General Characteristics


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.978
  • Wing Loading 24.0lbs/ft2 (117.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 944.2ft2 (87.7m2)
  • Drag Points 17569


  • Number of Parts 161
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 1,126