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Scout Car Seeker M1 REMASTERED

147k Pilotmario  7.8 years ago
Auto Credit Based on Pilotmario's 1/2 Ton General Purpose Truck "Jeep" Mk 2

Controls are basically the same as other units. (1) activates turret. An armored reconnaissance vehicle of the Paternian Armed Forces. It was developed off the 1/2 Ton GP Truck, better known as the Jeep. It was fitted with over 1000kg of additional armor, weaponry, and equipment. While it overburdened the chassis and made it top-heavy, it was nonetheless accepted into service due to the lack of a better alternative. Despite the interim nature of the Seeker, it became the backbone of the Paternian Army and Marine Corps reconnaissance units during the Olympian Wars as well as during the NFK Insurgency. The vehicle was never popular, and was enthusiastically replaced by the 1 1/2 Ton HMMWV M4 aka Humvee, which provided a similar level of armor protection with the mobility of the Jeep. The Seeker remains in service with Paternian Air Force Base Security as well as Military Police units, due to the availability and the fact that PAF and MP machines operate as part of checkpoints and perimeter patrols.

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor 1/2 Ton General Purpose Truck "Jeep" Mk 2
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 8.4ft (2.6m)
  • Length 16.3ft (5.0m)
  • Height 11.3ft (3.4m)
  • Empty Weight 32,745lbs (14,853kg)
  • Loaded Weight 37,204lbs (16,875kg)


  • Wing Loading 724.6lbs/ft2 (3,537.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 51.3ft2 (4.8m2)
  • Drag Points 4904


  • Number of Parts 92
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 396
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    147k Pilotmario

    @GoldenEagle We don't use this piece of junk for most things other than airfield protection and MP duties for many reasons. However, it doesn't seem to have a problem in North Africa, and it was used quite extensively in Rising Storm, where they held a pretty good account of themselves, as long as they didn't have RPGs or tanks that worked. Which we didn't encounter much.

    7.8 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Okay. @Pilotmario

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    Our main force was Marine Expeditionary Units, a self-sufficient division with its own armored, mechanized, motorized, air, and infantry units. @PINK

    7.8 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Yes, we it was still called the KCU, and you were the only major standing army other than ours. These (tanks formations) were used on your airbases, the only true millitary bases in the Southern Regions. The rest of the war was counter insurgency. @Pilotmario

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    Were the NFK fighting the insurgents? @PINK

    7.8 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    They did get raped, they were using ancient tactics not used by us today. Throw enough sh-t at the wall, and some will stick. @Pilotmario

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    Mongolian armor was relatively ineffective. Their large armored formations, while looking impressive, were formations of sitting ducks, cut down by accurate and rapid firing 105mm coilguns of the Avenger, antitank teams, and Pummelers. We have encountered similar tactics with the Olympians, and like the Olympians, were shut down. Thereafter, they were deployed in piecemeal units, where they were used as assault guns. @PINK

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    Either way, an Osiris will have plenty more problems if it runs into this thing.

    It's not necessarily the machine itself. It's the heavy air defenses and fighter jets that typically accompany air bases. @Mudkip

    7.8 years ago
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    227 jw1523

    @Mudkip Meh

    7.8 years ago
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    5,934 Mudkip

    @jw1523 It's a 37mm autocannon. Plus, it's spelled Osiris.

    7.8 years ago
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    227 jw1523

    @Mudkip Why are you putting tank turrets on an Osirus?

    7.8 years ago
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    5,934 Mudkip

    @Pilotmario oops, made a mistake. It was suposed to say 37mm.

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    @Mudkip That's more like it!

    7.8 years ago
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    5,934 Mudkip

    @Pilotmario Ok, 37mm autocannon.

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    @Mudkip Also, if you're running into these things, I'm sure an overweight, underpowered, and top-heavy armored patrol car will be the least of your worries.

    There will probably be things like the layered air defense that usually surrounds our air bases. And fighters. Lots of those things.

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    @Mudkip That's still quite a large gun. I suggest to use a >40mm autocannon, such as 30mm, 35mm, or 37mm. That's usually enough to eviscerate the lightly-built airframe of enemy aircraft, as well as be of use against light ground vehicles.

    7.8 years ago
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    5,934 Mudkip

    @Pilotmario Ok it's 50mm.

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    @Mudkip ...

    Not entirely practical. Without any recoil buffer system, the plane would be shattered at worst, knocked off into a spin at best. Because the physics of tank gun recoil would do so.

    Anyways, you probably won't be able to carry much ammunition for such a large-caliber gun.

    In short, having a 100mm gun on a jet fighter is highly impractical.

    7.8 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    I could only imagine the recoil, and size of the weapon getting in the way. A 30mm KO-L (MK9) I abo 5 feet long, and 70lbs, in its surface format. @Pilotmario

    7.8 years ago
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    2,496 Gmanndo1000

    @PINK ah, I see

    7.8 years ago
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    5,934 Mudkip

    @Pilotmario Well It's inserted into the airplane and a mold is created arround it.

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    That's about as small as it can get. Guns built for tanks are designed to be as compact as possible in order to fit well in the confines of a tank. You can't shrink what is essentially a 4 inch bore.

    We can't change the laws of physics. @Mudkip

    7.8 years ago
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    5,934 Mudkip

    @Pilotmario Well we can just make it smaller.

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    Do you know how big a 100mm gun is?

    It's the caliber of the T-55's D-5T main gun. @Mudkip

    7.8 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    The NFK insurgency, more formally known as the Federation Civil War, was a 4 year period when the comunist government was attacked by socialist forces.
    The PR sent supplies and troops to help aid the insurgents, whom were mostly from the Korea. The first major battle, when the equipment was seen in use, was the Battle of the Yellow River. Ten of these vehicles, and 4 Avenger MK2s were seen attempting to cross the river.
    Unkown to the government forces, over 50,000 men, we hidden in the jungle. As soon as mortar fire began to come in, they charged.
    It was a barbaric battle that last a mere hour. They had overwhelmed us, but at a terrible cost.
    After this, they went underground, literally, building an extensive tunnel network . . . that gave the war the title, "Ghosts of Rason".
    Most of the tunnels could fit these vehicles, and even Avenger MBTs. This meant that the war was know one of attrition, and small battles.
    However, the PR itself didn't operate this way. The set up several airbases, only to be besieged by Mongolian armor . . . know one of their greatest fears. Although, 2 attacks proved futile, 8 more were viciously sucesful.
    The next two years of the war was like this, until the PR was fed up and left. They still kept sending equipment, but he insurgents were quickly wiped out. @Gmanndo1000 @Pilotmario

    7.8 years ago
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