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GP-147 Onager

17.4k Geekpride  8.0 years ago
Auto Credit Based on Pilotmario's Close Support/Attacker Challenge (CLOSED)

Left slider for flaps, right slider for brakes.
Group 6 for emergency weapons jettison.

As well as the weapons on the hardpoints, the Onager is fitted with two rotary anti-building / anti-armour guns and two standard rotary miniguns. The cockpit has an extra layer of protection, as do the fuel tanks and the engines.

Personal journal of Netia Maomi, manager of aircraft development section 5:
Today we delivered the prototype for project 147, designated the Onager. Apart from any minor modifications that are requested, this will be the final submission to the Pilotmario ground attack plane contest. My team and I have spent enough time and effort on this, we need to move on to something new. I have a drawer full of proposed designs that did not meet my standards, I think we have considered almost every possible approach to this and exhausted our well of creative ideas. I think this is our best shot, something we can sell as an upgrade from the Pummeler. It is just as fast, but is more agile, more powerful, better armoured and carries a heavier weapons load.
Although I am exhausted with this project and in need of a break, I can look back and see the gains we have made. Our focus has always been on producing the best plane possible, regardless of complexity. It is good to have focused more on simplicity and logistical considerations, this will serve us well in future projects. We have also gained valuable experience with the use of flaps for control, and we now have the skills to incorporate anti-armour weapons into our planes. I'm going to relax and take a litttle time off, and when I come back, I'll be ready to put this new knoledge into use.

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Close Support/Attacker Challenge (CLOSED)
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 35.4ft (10.8m)
  • Length 43.8ft (13.3m)
  • Height 17.1ft (5.2m)
  • Empty Weight 15,294lbs (6,937kg)
  • Loaded Weight 18,134lbs (8,225kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.22
  • Wing Loading 22.0lbs/ft2 (107.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 825.3ft2 (76.7m2)
  • Drag Points 5888


  • Number of Parts 143
  • Control Surfaces 42
  • Performance Cost 1,020
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    147k Pilotmario

    @Geekpride Nice to know I have inspired you. :)

    8.0 years ago
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    17.4k Geekpride

    @Pilotmario Going out of character for a minute, it's been an interesting learning experience for me. I enjoy the challenges that have limited parts or limited weight because working within restrictions can inspire creative solutions. I might have to start giving myself self-imposed challenges of keeping designs relatively simple and thinking whether it would work with the kind of logistical considerations you've thought of for this contest.

    8.0 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    Remind Netia Maomi that if a plane is too complicated, then it's harder to fix. The reason why the PAF attack squadrons did not accept superior but more complicated aircraft since adopting the Pummeler is because anyone who can fix an old car can fix a Pummeler. Glad she found this a learning experience.

    8.0 years ago