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Haunebu Vril Prototype 1 - UFO

12.2k MadAgus  2.0 years ago

No hay informacion ni historia de este Haunebu Vril, solo se que se construyo una unidad y probablemente sea del año 1939-1941

Como Utilizar:
Boton 1 Modo Vtol y Estabilizador
Boton 2 Activa Las Turbinas
Boton 3 Activa la torreta con el cañon de 75mm, con el Vtol se mueve para los lados y con el Trim se mueve de arriba a abajo.
Es perfecta para derribar aviones y vehiculos de tierra (si tiene ojo de Halcón)


There is no information or history of this Haunebu Vril, I only know that a unit was built and it is probably from the year 1939-1941

How to use:
Button 1 Vtol Mode and Stabilizer
Button 2 Activates Turbines
Button 3 Activates the turret with the 75mm cannon, with the Vtol it moves to the sides and with the Trim it moves up and down.
It is perfect for shooting down planes and ground vehicles (if you have a hawk eye)


General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 27.7ft (8.4m)
  • Length 21.0ft (6.4m)
  • Height 11.0ft (3.4m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 3,094lbs (1,403kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 18.378
  • Wing Loading 2.7lbs/ft2 (13.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1,130.2ft2 (105.0m2)
  • Drag Points 4482


  • Number of Parts 95
  • Control Surfaces 5
  • Performance Cost 674
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    12.2k MadAgus

    @CharlesDeGaulle I also think that it is something fictitious, even though it would also explain many things. Thanks for the comment!

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    Obviously, I express great doubts as to the fact that one of these prototypes was manufactured.
    Your diagram with the various Haunebau is purely fanciful.
    Nevertheless, the fact that there may have been prototypes could explain strange sightings, notably in the USA in 50s with these famous "flying saucers", and we know that the allies have recovered German technologies and scientists, the mysterious "Die Glocke" also..

    Otherwise, your creation is simple, well done and effective, excellent work !

    +2 2.0 years ago