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1991 Welmade Hera Al-4 Police

23.7k Rymanx03  9 months ago
Auto Credit Based on Rymanx03's 1991 Welmade Hera Al-4 Rally

In 1991, Chief of Wright Police Department DatRoadTrainGuy19 comissioned a new squad car for their team. They decided that they needed an agile, reliable car to keep up with modern day tuners. They settled on a contender of the Jundroo Rally Championship, under a contract with Welmade. Finally, after years of waiting (present day), the team can finally get their hands on their very own 1991 Welmade Hera Al-4.

This police variant is based off of a low end sedan model, while borrowing the factory powertrain from the Rallye model. The suspension has been tweaked to better accommodate more road-going ventures, and the engine was tuned slightly to give the car an edge during pursuits.

Sorry about the wait folks.
(Generic excuse about the full time job here)

Jokes aside, this is a lower-part count version of the car, while still maintaining the performance expected of it.

Modifications include a strong bullbar (guaranteed by xml tweaks), a custom light bar and flashers, and a new paint job. Also an interior divider, but ya can't see that one too well. Decided to leave it for structural purposes.

And because I felt bad about the wait, I stayed up late to create and tweak a second version. Here ya go.

Controls for both- pitch and yaw for main, 1 and 2 for head and secondary lights, 3 and 4 for signals, 5 for the flashers, and 6 to self-right (via gyro). Have fun, and I apologize once more.


Car did haha funny while testing

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor 1991 Welmade Hera Al-4 Rally
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 6.5ft (2.0m)
  • Length 15.5ft (4.7m)
  • Height 6.0ft (1.8m)
  • Empty Weight 7,959lbs (3,610kg)
  • Loaded Weight 8,048lbs (3,650kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 3964


  • Number of Parts 494
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 2,044