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Awwam Al-Asad MkII MBT

29.0k Supermini555  7.8 years ago

The latest of the latest, the MkII of the Al-Asad is the most Armoured of all the Awwami Tanks... The MBT features an all-round 500mm compressed ceramic armour, effectively increasing its armour by three, that is the equivalent of 1500mm of armour... Don't forget that its armour is sloped, making it much, much harder for enemy projectiles from penetrating it... To combat the Enemy Tanks, the Awwami MBT also features a 250mm anti tank cannon that can shoot through 2500mm of actual armour, rendering other enemy tanks underpowered at defeating it... It can be changed into a supercharged plasma cannon that can melt armour due to its high temperature... The speed is reasonable, 80mph, yes the speed is dropped down since the speed is just too much on rougher terrain... Oh, I almost forgotten, it runs on electric and features an option for AI, RC or man-power

Dimensions: Refer Properties, Divide all axises by 1.5, or multipy by 2/3
Weight: 34 tons
Powerplant: 2000hp, 1500ft/lbs of torque Electric Engine
Top Speed: 80mph
Traverse Speed: Tracks: 30*s, Turret: 45*s
Gun Depression: 15*
Armour: All Sides: 500mm (Compressed Ceramic)
Main Armament: 250mm RailGun or 250mm Plasma Cannon
Secondary Armament: 20mm Tesla Coils
Gun Performance:
Rail Gun: 10s Reload, 2500mm of penetration
Plasma Cannon: 7.5s Reload, 10s Cooldown after 10 shots, 800mm of penetration + Explosion
Tesla Coils: 100m range, 5000*C, 50A, 5V of electricity

VTOL + Trim for throttle
AGI + Roll for Turret Traverse
AGII + Pitch + Yaw for Gun Depression
AGIII for Primary Armament
AGIV for Secondary Armament

General Characteristics

  • Successors 1 airplane(s)
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 23.0ft (7.0m)
  • Length 50.9ft (15.5m)
  • Height 18.0ft (5.5m)
  • Empty Weight 34,142lbs (15,486kg)
  • Loaded Weight 34,433lbs (15,618kg)


  • Wing Loading 20,473.4lbs/ft2 (99,959.7kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1.7ft2 (0.2m2)
  • Drag Points 14705


  • Number of Parts 271
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 1,036
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    147k Pilotmario

    Yes it is. Which is why Persia turned this into an ideological war. @Supermini555

    7.8 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    Air gaps for HEP/HESH protection
    Graphene for HE, AP, APCR and HEAT protection
    ERA Plating for AP, APCR and HEAT protection

    7.8 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    Just remember, religion isn't a small issue, it is quite a huge one! @Pilotmario

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    Good idea. Analyze the design of IRL tanks and you'll find armor profiles that look like ours. @Supermini555

    7.8 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    Hmm... Interesting Concept... I can imagine the tests against it in my head... I'm going to do more research on my upcoming tank! @Pilotmario

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    @Supermini555 800mm of RHAe, meaning Rolled Homogenous Armor equivalent. It is equivalent to how much would our armor be. In reality, it is a total of 200mm thick, including the three air gaps. Graphene is a lightweight, incredibly tough, material formed in 1 atom thick honeycomb layers. These layers are subsequently stacked. They have 10x better shock absorbency compared to steel. Graphene is so light and strong that a graphene hammock 1m^2 can suspend a 4kg cat while only weighing that of the cat's whisker, being 0.77mg. Look it up.

    This is where the majority of our armor's strength is derived from. The 20mm steel shell is for bullets, and the plastic armor, steel backing, and air gap serve to counter HEAT munitions. As production techniques are not universal, the armor on the American-made Ardents use carbon nanotubes. This is because the Aurunans didn't have the ability to produce graphene sheets of sufficient quality, but could produce carbon nanotubes in bulk. These are just as strong as the graphene sheets employed elsewhere.

    As graphene is expensive, some steel is used.

    7.8 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    Still, homos can live with others, but it is regrettable in Islam
    Blame Westernization!
    Without it, women will still wear modestly
    Without it, bad attributes are erased
    Without it, the homo-thing is no longer here and remember the story of Lut [Alaihissalam]

    However, the past's the past, and I regret every single negative thing that Westernization brought

    7.8 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    Btw, in Eurasia, everyone is living in harmony, every religion, every nationality, every race, every background they have doesn't matter in my eyes, and everyone has to pay taxes, not including the poor and needy, in fact, we help them push through their struggles using some of our funds collected through Taxes, Jizyah and Zakat, therefore, poverty isn't an issue faced in the region.
    What bugs me, is that you have 800mm of armour, regarding fuselage units is 1.6 long, that means that you have much less room for your tank crew and your gadgets! @Pilotmario

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    @Supermini555 They learned she was a lesbian. And she was part of a raid that just blew up their new tanks.

    Last time I read the Koran, there was a death penalty for homosexuality.

    If you're wondering where we got this from, the unit conveniently delivered her head in a box to her unit (after all, the unit markings were on the side of her plane) under a flag of truce. It came with the video of the sins.

    Its not surprise that the unit returned for some vengeance, and dropped napalm on the unit.

    I saw it. Once. Puked my stomach out. I suggest you don't watch it.

    7.8 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    ... They Would Never Do That! The Awwami Soldiers Were Forbidden to Kill Children, the Disabled or even Women, but that!? Never came into my mind that a few soldiers would do that. Supposedly, they should've have her captive and treat her well and ransom her or send her back where she came from... If those words you say are true, they definitely have sinned. The punishment: 100 strikes of the cane and if they are married, death by stoning [Syariah Law, Hudud] @Pilotmario

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    The use of ceramics is incorporated into armor in order to resist HEAT shells. While we do use HEAT munitions, we also use APFSDS ammunition, which would cause the armor to shatter upon impact.

    Basically, your tank is a really high tech ceramic pot at this point.

    Also, you're using it against an opponent who believes in equality for all, that every person, regardless of their race, religion, creed, gender, sex, and allegiance, shall be held as equal. That their differences shall be embraced than shunned.

    Because last time we checked, we found that Persian soldiers raped and then beheaded a female Pummeler pilot after she was shot down, because she was a lesbian.

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    @Supermini555 We use a laminate of RHA, graphene, ceramic plate, and plastic armor (basically tar pitch and gravel akin to asphalt). We use multiple layers of this laminate, with air space between them.

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    @Supermini555 You still need to store ammunition, protect said ammunition, make it accessible, make the turret ergonomic, and most importantly, make it work properly under harsh conditions.

    7.8 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    TBH, I refer to the plane properties and checked 1 unit in fuselage length is equivalent to 50cm, 500mm or 0.5 m, so the crew in question is not ACTUALLY Cramped with all the electronics. In fact, they have PLENTY of space!
    Engine is actually small, an EM battery designed to last for extremely long periods... We've ran tests on the battery for over a year on another tank, and said battery's still running
    It was also proven to be capable to power a whole city with it! @Pilotmario

    7.8 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    One question, what compound do you use for your armour? @Pilotmario

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    @Supermini555 But the amount of internal space is still heavily limited. In addition, ceramic armor is prone to shattering against HEP rounds. Because ceramic, no matter how you put it as, is still basically stone, which is what HEP is good at killing. Even 105mm coilguns with HEP have been able to take out these tanks with HEP. APFSDS rounds fired from our tanks have knocked out said tanks through the spalling generated from the impact of said round.

    Your tank is basically a big ceramic pot. It would be much heavier, since you already stated that the ceramic (a not particularly light material type) is compressed, increasing density.

    Also, the lower turret is a huge shot trap, due to the reverse sloping. The round can be easily deflected into the turret ring, either penetrating the tank, lifting the turret off, or jamming the turret.

    7.8 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    Its going to have another variant of it @Pilotmario

    7.8 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    One, option for no crew [AI or RC] two, your tanks are a bit larger than mine... @Pilotmario

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    @Supermini555 You realize that in doing so, you have just made the crew compartment that much more cramped?

    And there's a big shot trap we can fire a shell into. It may not penetrate, but it will jam the turret.

    7.8 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    Nope, no matter where you shoot, its all the same... 1500mm, added with sloping giving it 5350mm on the sides @Pilotmario
    Front's effective armour with max slope is 7500mm
    Rear's effective armour with slope is 6000mm

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    Looks cool though.

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    The Paternian Army's 120mm M5A6 gun and the M8A2, with additional coils and improved timing, can fire APFSDS that can penetrate 3,000mm of RHAe at 1000m.

    The armor of the M6A5 hull is equivalent to 800mm of RHAe if the projectile strikes it perpendicular to the slope. However, the slope will bring this armor to a LoS thickness of 2,400mm, and an effective armor of 2,700mm. The original Ardent hull slope is slightly steeper, bringing it a LoS thickness of 2,200mm, bringing its effective armor to 2,600mm.

    The turret of the M6A3 has 2,000mm of RHAe, with its sloping and rounding bringing it to 2,700mm. The turret of the M6A4 features improved armor, featuring 2,500mm RHAe, with sloping and the 2,500mm RHAe mantle bringing an additional 8,000mm of effective armor.

    Which is all irrelevant since we shoot first from ambush and aim for the sides, which I presume has less armor anyways.

    7.8 years ago
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    5,934 Mudkip

    @exosuit Pilotmario will die.............

    7.8 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    Omg this is awesome!@Mudkip

    7.8 years ago
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    5,934 Mudkip

    @Supermini555 Pilotmario will die........

    7.8 years ago
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