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Project 312 [LATE 1 YEAR] (really late) (I am a lazy but)

18.5k alexchub1  5.8 years ago
Auto Credit Based on alexchub1's F40 kindaaa (blue is where the engine will be)

Hi, I am back, so take this wonderful Ferrari with you.


This Ferrari was a testing model that was never actually built,
but today, some people from some organization built it.


  1. W, A, s, D, or roll and pitch to ride around.

  2. AVG1 Lights.

  3. AVG2 Mor Lights.

-Wut SEction-

THis is not an F40.

YaS, mE Bak.

Hav Gut Luk.

(Copuing heloliver heree)

Have a nice day!


General Characteristics


  • Wing Loading 132.7lbs/ft2 (647.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 107.2ft2 (10.0m2)
  • Drag Points 8157


  • Number of Parts 382
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 1,206