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Flying Tonk

48.8k RepublicOfCursedPlanes  1.3 years ago
Auto Credit Based on FirstLandFish83828's Tonk challenge (CLOSED)

For the Tonk Challenge (in auto-credit).

If any of you were expecting the Gold Special, sorry, I had to finish this up first. I PROMISE the next post will be an Overture, if not youcantakemyipaddress- uh what i didn't say anything


  • GAU-8 Avenger: BrunoBG's A-10

[Fictional] About the ATK-1 "HeliTonk"

"Does this thing belong to the Army, or the Air Force?"

-Lieutenant David H. Williams at the unveiling ceremony of the ATK-1

As you can probably see in the thumbnail, it's a tonk, that somehow flies. We're getting to how that happened...

So one of RCP Engineering's top military research engineers just thought one day: What if, an attack aircraft capable of dominating the skies, like the A-7, AH-64 or the A-10, was combined with the sheer firepower of a tank? He felt that the result would mean that a tank could attack from above, giving it unmatched capability.

A study was opened, and fast-forward 3 years, voilá! You have this.

Using a double-rotor design, the engineers were able to make the cannons on this tank spin until they somehow generated lift and flew away.

In short, something like this. (This was my inspiration by the way)

Anyway, they managed to make several thousand tons of metal fly, so it entered combat testing.

It... did not start off well...


Despite that obvious flaw, along with it being hard to control (see Controls below), the ATK-1 was approved and started production, because what could be better at deterring your enemies than a flying tank?

Eventually, production stopped at 150 units because about 5 tonks flew into trees and buildings, although the pilots all managed to eject in time.



  • 4 Tank Cannons (only 1 works, the other 3 are for cosmetic purposes)


  • 1 GAU-8 Avenger Cannon (yes, the one used on the A-10.)
  • 1 Machine Gun at the back
  • 2 anti-tank/ship missiles (require 5 seconds of lock)
  • Flares (because you never know when someone fires a missile at you)
  • QR code insignia
  • Ejection Seat with Parachute

    For some reason this is really fun to watch as you slowly parachute down tp the ground

Controls (you may need a while to get the hang of it!)


  • Trim for Forward/Backward Movement (NOTE: don't move the trim bar too much, the tonk accelerates very quickly)
  • Q and E for steering (NOTE: controls are reversed, as in E turns the tank left while Q turns the tank right. And it tends to spin around a large angle when turning, press Brake the moment you get the tank facing the right direction to stop the spin!)
  • Press AG3 for headlights.


Takeoff Procedure
1. Press AG1.
2. Increase Throttle to 100%.
3. Move VTOL Slider to the top for maximum lift. If you're flying across a flat surface, use about 90% VTOL Slider.

In Flight
A and D for yaw, W and S for pitch. (NOTE: Don't make excessive inputs at the start, the tank will crash!)
When taking off, focus on keeping the tank level. After a minute or 2 it should speed up and that's when you can start flying the tank like a fighter jet.

Ejection Seat
Press AG4 to eject, and then AG5 to open the parachute.

Full List of My Builds (click on this)

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Tonk challenge (CLOSED)
  • Successors 1 airplane(s)
  • Created On Mac
  • Wingspan 22.0ft (6.7m)
  • Length 22.4ft (6.8m)
  • Height 10.9ft (3.3m)
  • Empty Weight 264lbs (120kg)
  • Loaded Weight 5,423lbs (2,459kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 4143.987
  • Wing Loading 122.1lbs/ft2 (596.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 44.4ft2 (4.1m2)
  • Drag Points 5584


  • Number of Parts 81
  • Control Surfaces 3
  • Performance Cost 745