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DHC A-128 Erzengel

7,043 KriegsmarineZerstorer  3.9 years ago

               [ C L A S S I F I E D   D H C   D O C U M E N T ]

One more bullet to the heart,
We take this tyranny from the start!
Our quest not finish till the deed is done,
As we take their whole army down,
One by one!

DHC A-128 Erzengel

Document I: Description

Document I.A: Synopsis

The F/A-990 is a large and heavy, tandem-seater CAS attack aircraft developed by DHC for the German Luftwaffe. It is the corporation's fifth aircraft, and it is relatively way more cheaper than the previous F/A-990 multirole fighter.

Document I.B: Design


By early 2021, the DHC has brainstormed into an aircraft designed primarily for CAS for allied ground troops. However, there was also consideration for the aircraft to be armed with AAMs because of the possibility of fighting other CAS aircraft like the infamous A-10 Thunderbolt II. The aircraft was powered by a pair of DHC Arbiter K887 jet engines, which were more weaker than the pair of DHC Wilhelm VII.ADG engines used on the F/A-990. However, these engines push the A-128 substantially faster than the A-10 Warthog. The new engines can push the aircraft to around 660 miles per hour, 221 miles per hour faster than its American counterpart. The engines are quite quiet in their cruise throttles set at 30 percent, adding to the A-128's stealth factor during night harassment runs.


The A-128 had a crude design, but the DHC invested to at least curb the crudeness with streamlining. The aircraft has vents behind its howitzer and gatling guns to suck in the smoke from their firing, reducing the aircraft's frontal infrared signature by 10 to 20% when firing. The smoke is then taken out the aircraft by exhaust pipes at the back of the airframe, to avoid overheating the internal systems. It also is installed with a carrier landing hook, a trait peculiar for aircraft of its type.

Infrared Vision

The DHC also invested in infrared night vision for the A-128. Two infrared cameras are placed above the wing-mounted engine inlets, one per wing. The cones housing the infrared mechanisms are painted black, a standard anti-glare measure that prevents overheating the sensors.

Document I.C: Armament

The DHC had invested money in creating larger and better weapons, resulting to a weapon set named the E6 Weapon Package. The missiles in this weapon package have longer lock times, but these make up for it with enhanced turning rate. The gun that comed with this package is also a different design, a heavier but more ferocious six-barrel 20mm rotary cannon. The package also comes with a 100mm howitzer cannon, perfect for destroying enemies from afar. 7-slot rocket pods are also included, which are used when the gatling gun is cooling down from firing.

Document I.D: Production

Its formidability against the A-10 earned it nicknames like the "German Warthog," "Midnight Archangel," and "Azrael." The aircraft sadly is produced in relatively way smaller numbers than its multirole fighter predecessors, with only a total of 300 units and with 72 in current active service in the Luftwaffe.

Document II: Aircraft Specifications

Note: All top speed measurements are taken in TAS.

Crew: 2: pilot and gunner
Powerplant: 2x wing-mounted DHC Arbiter K887 non-afterburning turbofan engines
Service ceiling: 35,000ft
Maximum speed [around 3,500ft]: 660mph
Maximum speed [at service ceiling]: 1230mph
Cruising speed: 370mph
Range: around 1,750 miles

Document III: Weapon Loadout

The aircraft's weapon payload is specified below:

  • 1x DHC MM-20D 20mm Gatling Gun
  • 1x DHC MM-100G 100mm Howitzer Cannon
  • 2x DHC A-28DK Friedrich 500lb Unguided Bombs
  • 6x DHC G-AMS-73 William AAMs
  • 14x DHC G-GMS-43 Blackhat AGMs
  • 3x DHC G-GRS-13 Höllenfeuer Rocket Pods

Document IV: Control Manual

The controls for the aircraft are specified below:

  • AG1 : Toggle Navigational Lights
  • AG2 : Jettison Rocket Pods [Optimal when empty]
  • AG3 : Jettison Unguided Bombs
  • AG4 : N/A
  • AG5 : Toggle Carrier Landing Hook
  • AG6 : Toggle Countermeasure SET A
  • AG7 : Toggle Countermeasure SET B
  • AG8 : Toggle Countermeasure SET C
  • VTOL Down : Flaps
  • Brakes : Air Brakes

The cameras are listed below:

  • Cam 1 : Infrared Camera [Visual Mode]
  • Cam 2 : Dynamic Combat Camera [Front]
  • Cam 3 : Dynamic Combat Camera [Back]

               [ C L A S S I F I E D   D H C   D O C U M E N T ]


General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 60.6ft (18.5m)
  • Length 50.6ft (15.4m)
  • Height 18.4ft (5.6m)
  • Empty Weight 37,529lbs (17,023kg)
  • Loaded Weight 62,178lbs (28,203kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.65
  • Wing Loading 53.7lbs/ft2 (262.1kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1,158.2ft2 (107.6m2)
  • Drag Points 13112


  • Number of Parts 331
  • Control Surfaces 16
  • Performance Cost 1,408