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Underwater Camera Prototype

121k AWESOMENESS360  5.2 years ago
No Tags

On today's episode of, "Stuff that should work but doesn't for some stupid reason" we interview a prototype for an underwater camera in SimplePlanes. Ok lol, enough of the news broadcast, here's my attempt at making an underwater camera. I tried to take advantage of the fact that there's a slight delay when a camera switches to the next view if it touches the water. Basically, I took 200 cameras, and meshed them all onto the same spot, where it's attached to a rotator that lets you look around using VTOL. TRIM controls the up and down movement, and throttle descends the camera into the water. The slight delay between camera switching adds up to a few seconds of looking through the cameras, so you can actually see what's happening.

Sounds cool, doesn't it? WRONG!!! Simpleplanes physics kicks in and completly prevents you from going underwater, period. No joke, remove the buoyancy from the platform, and let it sink. If you switch to the camera, it'll still gives you a view from above the water, which is absolute bullshit. It's an interesting concept, but it just doesn't work. Maybe someone else here who doesn't have a negative IQ can somehow fix this, but until then, it's just a non-functioning hunk of metal that serves no purpose whatsoever.


General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 16.4ft (5.0m)
  • Length 19.7ft (6.0m)
  • Height 15.2ft (4.6m)
  • Empty Weight 2,386lbs (1,082kg)
  • Loaded Weight 2,448lbs (1,110kg)


  • Wing Loading 439,839.3lbs/ft2 (2,147,483.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 3560


  • Number of Parts 212
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 836
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    387 F40GT

    Well this hunk of junk is so useless why don’t we just blow it up

    4.7 years ago
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    2,861 Raindrop

    This is some serious mad science

    5.1 years ago
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    @sexylips35 uhh... okay?

    5.1 years ago
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    29.0k TigerEye35

    "On today's episode of, "Stuff that should work but doesn't for some stupid reason" we interview a prototype for an underwater camera in SimplePlanes. Ok lol, enough of the news broadcast, here's my attempt at making an underwater camera. I tried to take advantage of the fact that there's a slight delay when a camera switches to the next view if it touches the water. Basically, I took 200 cameras, and meshed them all onto the same spot, where it's attached to a rotator that lets you look around using VTOL. TRIM controls the up and down movement, and throttle descends the camera into the water. The slight delay between camera switching adds up to a few seconds of looking through the cameras, so you can actually see what's happening.

    Sounds cool, doesn't it? WRONG!!! Simpleplanes physics kicks in and completly prevents you from going underwater, period. No joke, remove the buoyancy from the platform, and let it sink. If you switch to the camera, it'll still gives you a view from above the water, which is absolute bullsh#t. It's an interesting concept, but it just doesn't work. Maybe someone else here who doesn't have a negative IQ can somehow fix this, but until then, it's just a non-functioning hunk of metal that serves no purpose whatsoever.", man, i just report your description for putting a cuss word...

    5.1 years ago
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    @shahram15 why? It doesn't serve any function, other than being a prototype, so it isn't exactly worth enough to give it tags.

    5.1 years ago
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    2,645 shahram15

    @AWESOMENESS360 Could you add some tags ?

    5.1 years ago