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World's Best aircraft MKII

Mod Squirrel  8.2 years ago
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After the success of the World’s Best Aircraft, Squirrel Industries decided to go all out on the next variant. A lot of time and effort went into this, in fact 43 hours alone was spent simply trying to come up with a name of the aircraft.

So here it is: the World’s Best Aircraft MKII

The World’s Best Aircraft MKII is the new pinnacle of advanced civil aviation, featuring over 33752.7 improvements over its predecessor, the World’s Best Aircraft. So how did Squirrel Industries come up with all these improvements? Well, I’m glad you asked. Squirrel Industries sat down with a number of aviation experts (which did not at all resemble the remains of the world’s most skilled baby) and we asked ourselves: “How can make our customers flight experience that little bit better?”

Well the first natural course of action to this question was to simply get rid of the engine all together. This simple yet effective improvement allows the World’s Best Aircraft MKII to accelerate past Mach 22 in less than 0.198345 seconds.
Other improvements over the predecessor include:

• Improved and more aerodynamic undercarriage that enhances the take-off and landing capabilities which in turn increases overall flight comfort.

• New on board weapons system. Again, we at Squirrel Industries understand that it is all but natural to be minding your own business over North Korea and then all of a sudden end up in a Mach 2 high altitude dogfight with a Ford Focus, so we’ve decided to implement a new advanced weapons system which utilises floating hardpoints in order to distract your enemy along with a number of guided rockets which have little to no recoil when fired and most certainly don’t destroy your plane.

• The existing advanced WG system has also been upgraded and improved, and makes it nearly impossible to lose a dogfight.

Wing loading has also been drastically improved, so much so that the World’s Best Aircraft MKII only has a wing loading of 0.1232 Ibs/ft2.

Finally, due to popular demand Squirrel Industries has decided to also incorporate the advanced performance improving activators on the World’s Best Aircraft MKII.

Disclaimer: Again we are not responsible for the death of you for flying this aircraft.

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 14.5ft (4.4m)
  • Length 20.4ft (6.2m)
  • Height 10.5ft (3.2m)
  • Empty Weight 3,819lbs (1,732kg)
  • Loaded Weight 4,461lbs (2,023kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 10086.004
  • Wing Loading 48.4lbs/ft2 (236.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 92.2ft2 (8.6m2)
  • Drag Points 2159


  • Number of Parts 54
  • Control Surfaces 5
  • Performance Cost 459
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    Wow, an amazing and overly sleek design as always. I love the strategically placed pylons that uhh... give it them aerodynamics. I wonder how this isn't like featured in some official trailer or sth. So that people see what top performance looks like. The part count is a bit high for mobile users tho such as myself. I can barely run it at 80 fps which is a bit lame. Really love the custom engine. The cockpit view on the other hand could use some work, you're missing that one button that does that thing, you know? Man, I envy your building capabilities. And btw, how did you do the custom sound that tells me what a low life I am? It seems a bit glitchy tho. Whenever I close the game it's still kinda there. But bugs aside, 7/11 quality.

    +1 5.7 years ago
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    Mod Squirrel

    @MrMecha I don't know what to say about that comment. It's so random, but I'm literally about to get pizza out of the oven.

    8.0 years ago
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    8.2 years ago