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927 STEAMYcrosby  4 months ago
No Tags

There are No AGs so its easy to use all you need to know is VTOL up is Gun down and vise versa. History; In 1918 The polish needed a new gun to counter the new weapon known as Tanks so the developed this light highpower Cannon that they called an AT Gun (Anti Tank for those uneducated people on tanks). Now to the important stuff since I'm playing on mobile I can't do the stuff PC players can so I have to make a more realistic Upload Schedule So every 6 months I will release a new 18 Vehicles 4 Tanks, 4 IFVs and Cars, 4 Airplanes, 4 Firearms, and 2 Boats the 10 rest months will be short easy to build weapons and otherstuff for yall to injoy and every December there will be a race to see who gets free ownership of Stuff I made that Ill be auctioning kff to the Person who gives me free access to do anything to most of their works I won't own it Ill just be able to make any modifications to it I want and put it on my account.

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 7.3ft (2.2m)
  • Length 16.8ft (5.1m)
  • Height 5.2ft (1.6m)
  • Empty Weight 924lbs (419kg)
  • Loaded Weight 924lbs (419kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 1832


  • Number of Parts 12
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 98