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105 ThePixelArtist  9.1 years ago
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A Metroid pixel art I made :D

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 39.4ft (12.0m)
  • Length 39.4ft (12.0m)
  • Height 15.5ft (4.7m)
  • Empty Weight 10,163lbs (4,610kg)
  • Loaded Weight 10,163lbs (4,610kg)


  • Wing Loading 439,839.3lbs/ft2 (2,147,483.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 7982


  • Number of Parts 437
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 747
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    6,633 FilenotFound

    Say that on the upvote button that got 103 upvotes. I personally apriciate pixel art, as some thought goes into it. Just like my planes nobody cares about. @ThePlaneMechanic

    7.0 years ago
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    7,262 Zing2000
    Actually he has... His planes have not just gotten super popular he has generated a following by talking with people... I actually regularly look at the newest planes so much so that I get annoyed that the most recent plane was posted five minuets ago and there isn't a new one yet... Hypnotoads plane don't require as much skill as many planes but he is always original... I left my account inactive for ages And I came back the same... So did you there is just many more users now... I will rate you planes based on its flight stats and looks if you would like@ThePlaneMechanic
    9.1 years ago
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    @Zing2000 Hypnotoad hasn't proven JS, none of the popular users have. The only reason they make content one of their planes just happened to get super popular, and as a result they gained a large following, so they started making more planes. I used to upload basically every day, then I leave my account inactive for a couple weeks and when I start uploading again I don't get a single rating, still haven't. If anything my content has gotten better, I put just as much work into my new planes as my old ones, only difference is now I know what I'm doing with some of my older planes I was literally just guessing that they would work, and that was when I was popular, and now I'm a nobody on here. It has nothing to do with your attitude, I'm nice to people who deserve it, and I voice my opinion when I don't like something. Have you looked in "New Planes" recently? No, you haven't, nobody does, that's why so many innovative designs have been replaced with crap like this, why all of my new planes have been neglected, because now all the super popular gold users run the show, why they regularly make content, a good chunk of it isn't even good, I can't tell you how many replicas I've downloaded with high hopes, and then when I flew them they could barely stay in the air. About a month or so back I was amazed by all of the wonderful, crazy designs people were making, now, there's nothing, maybe the odd concept such as the plane launcher is worth your time, but as of now SimplePlanes is kind of in a depression. Back then it was like the roaring 20's, now it's like the 30's.
    9.1 years ago
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    7,262 Zing2000
    Actually it is.... Hypnotoad has proven that@ThePlaneMechanic
    9.1 years ago
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    @bjac0 Stuff like this is still stupid, and nothing can tell me otherwise, at no point will I ever support, or even allow it. Just wait, in a few more months, all simple planes is going to be is crappy replicas that don't even fly, crap like this that doesn't even move, and challenges, and I will not be a part of it.
    9.1 years ago
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    @Zing2000 Yeah... That's not even remoletly how it works. This is a broken system.
    9.1 years ago
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    56.9k bjac0
    @thelonewolf427 oh yeah, doesn't feel to good when your at the top, and then one minute later, at the bottom. but that is going to happen, stuff gets more detailed, people get ideas and do those ideas as far and wide as they want! This is a game that was ment to have the players drive it, it may hit a concrete wall or land and know its safe. So be sure to read what your about to say and think about the person.
    9.1 years ago
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    56.9k bjac0
    @thelonewolf427 as i just said, pixel art is bound to be made, its completly out of your control and my control, so we can both end this or light a match.
    9.1 years ago
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    7,262 Zing2000
    Well maybe if you weren't so negative all the time and a bit more positive towards newer players you might gain some followers and get more ratings on your plane@thelonewolf427
    9.1 years ago
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    @Zing2000 Yes, but those are well done, again, this isn't even that good, the guy left a spare block in the background for gods sake, this... Thing is ridiculously overrated. Again, stuff like this is why people like me don't have thousands of points, I used to be in the top 20 players before stuff like this started coming out. Seriously, for the first month or so I was on the first page, I was number 19 or something like that. I still make good content, but guess what? My last 4 planes don't have a single rating, and again, it's because of stuff like this. It's insane, and it's driving this community straight down the toilet.
    9.1 years ago
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    7,262 Zing2000
    That argument you just made to bjac is invalid.. Quote "does this fly? No. Does it even remotely resemble a plan? No." End quote. People make cars, boas, tanks and many other vechiles all the time. There is nothing wrong with this and it's pretty cool. Pixel art is actually pretty hard to make by the way....@thelonewolf427
    9.1 years ago
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    @bjac0 Regardless, note the name of the website, this simply isn't the place for pixel art. Does this fly? No. Does it even remotely resemble a plane? No. Stuff like this just gets in the way of other content, and stops people from getting popular. Same with all the challenges too, half of them don't have a single submission.
    9.1 years ago
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    @Zing2000 Please. This probably took all of 10 minutes to make.
    9.1 years ago
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    56.9k bjac0
    @thelonewolf427 Pixel art can be posted anywhere it can be made, whether its minecraft or modnation racers, pixel art is just a type of art.
    9.1 years ago
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    7,262 Zing2000
    @thelonewolf427 ur just jealous that u can't do this
    9.1 years ago
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    @ThePixelArtist can you post this on my pixel art challenge?
    9.1 years ago
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    There are places where pixel art belongs. This is not one of them.
    9.1 years ago
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    56.9k bjac0
    I loved that game!
    9.1 years ago
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    56.9k bjac0
    Awsome! Just freakin awsome.
    9.1 years ago
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    25.2k A5mod3us
    Good job, but... does it fly?
    9.1 years ago
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    2,135 Asimov
    Now make DA megamanz!
    9.1 years ago
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    I love that game. Nice pixel art!
    9.1 years ago