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CVN-XZ Progress Update No. 01

28.1k KerlonceauxIndustries  4.8 years ago

Before any of you ask that one question regarding whether this vessel is or is not an attempt at producing a replica of the Gerald R. Ford-class Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier of the U.S. Navy, the answer is a solid no. This vessel is, however, effectively a bootleg of the Gerald R. Ford-class except it would be bigger and better.

No, I have absolutely no idea when I'm going to finish it. Could be a week, could be months from now, so don't ask. I do expect to make considerable progress this weekend though, as I've already done. This is likely the most progress I've made at a time on a single ship.

EDIT [8/16/2019]:
I do intend to make a number of updates here on the SP Forums regarding progress on this vessel.