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[RP] The Broadcast

11.2k HarrisCraft  5.3 years ago

At 20:45 a halcyon television broadcast was hijacked and the following was text played along with the national anthem.

“The worst has come to pass.

Despite the sacrifices of our citizens and the might of our armed forces, the Federal Republic of Halcyon has been forced to surrender to her enemy.

Though they may occupy our borders, our streets and our homes.... the enemy will never occupy our SPIRIT.

That is why all Halcyonians are now called upon to ACT.... to preserve the memory of the Federal Republic of Halcyon clear and bright.... untarnished and uncompromised.

Know that I have already TAKEN ACTION in the company of family and loved ones. Now ALL Halcyonian-every man, woman, and child-are called upon to ACT before the moment passes by.

Let our united resolve echo through history: Even in defeat, we refuse to yield.

Even in defeat we claim VICTORY.”

The message, signed by the president himself, then cuts to more footage of the Federal Republic of Halcyon while direct instructions for citizens to 'ACT' are played. As the film progresses, it becomes clear that the messages are orders for every citizen to kill themselves in the face of the country's surrender.

The broadcast was fortunately shut down by the halcyon television company, said company has apologised for any confusion during the broadcast. During the confusion it was reported that 19 civilians had killed themselves, Origin of broadcast is unknown.

{Ok real talk}
(This is a parody of this video right here, please go look at the original and give it the credit it deserves.)

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    @DeidaraEnterprises tagging myself for no reason

    5.3 years ago
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    7,775 Karzigg

    @HarrisCraft yes but you won't active on the SLRP Server much thats why I'm asking

    5.3 years ago
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    11.2k HarrisCraft

    @CptJacobson Yeah duh did you even read the whole post lol

    5.3 years ago
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    7,775 Karzigg

    @HarrisCraft is Halcyon still around?

    5.3 years ago
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    6,005 Lahoski107

    @LancasterAce he’s probably had enough of you.
    And I thought your country was destroyed.

    5.3 years ago
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    11.2k HarrisCraft

    @LancasterAce no

    5.3 years ago
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    69.3k Chancey21


    5.3 years ago
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    11.2k HarrisCraft

    @PositivePlanes It’s supposed to be an ominous post so investigating it further will be a waste and regarding your power let’s just say look at Hong Kong during the 50s

    5.3 years ago