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106k hpgbproductions  5.1 years ago

e: 1906241331+8 (Added AZ-31)
A one-stop location for conventions and lore. Starting a page for locating items.


  • Background
  • Lineup
  • Concepts and Tutorials
  • Additional Details


Splitting in 2000 and reaching the start of the 22nd Century, the alternate universe is a host of wild, but grounded, mechanical fantasies.

New Beginnings: With the growing threats of the climate crisis and a new, advanced type of terrorism, the countries of the world have finally come together in 2039 to form the United Nations Government. However, the commercial scene has continued as usual.

While the Government has been quick to deal with the threats in the beginning, private companies, fueled by the new demand in weaponry from the Government and the private sector, started to dominate the political scene. Many companies, both old and new, dipped their toes into the arms sector, and took full advantage of the new environment.

Life continued as usual for laboratries, and the first space colonization efforts began in 2040, officially beginning First Stage Colonization. The Inter-Planetary Mailing System was soon launched in 2048, allowing 24/7 communication with the first space cities.

Reforms: In response to the almost Cold War-like state across the economic sector, the United Nations Government issued the People's Arms Safety Act in 2052. Weapons could no longer be stored in any inhabited location. This caused an outcry from companies that had installed defensive armament on their buildings in the cities, especially with newer mobile unit developments, namely spacecraft. However, people realized they could still install shielding, and could still use weapons within rural land they own. Some previously-specialized corporations expanded their goods range to the more peaceful industries, using formerly militarized units.

Noticing that it became too difficult to apprehend suspects who were showing off their sophisticated defenses to the lightly armed police forces, the Government issued the People's Arms Balance Act in 2054. It meant that certain weapons and shielding were banned from public use, and the use of excessive deadly force became applicable to those who infracted this regulation.

Raining Metal: In 2061, a coordinated attack by separatist groups on Eurasia, Africa, and South America shook the Government back to one of its original reasons for existence. This restarted the arms economy as companies were brought in to help fight against the returning danger. Eventually, the separatists were mostly contained and returned into hiding. Some companies spared the enemy they were assigned so they could test new technologies on them.

Pirates caused trouble during the Second Stage Colonization. The large number of freighters and landing craft travelling between Earth and her colonies proved to be a great source of ships to attack, as well as a decent hiding spot. They were never fully dealt with.

Good End: Developments continued without issues. In 2100, the United Nations Government revealed a collaborative effort to colonize planets outside of the Solar System.


This section only includes items that are found within the lore (generally those that look better so they are kindly included). Newer descriptions take higher priority than older ones, however the lineup here comes first. Items are shown from oldest to newest in lore.

The newer term "Frame" used by ASTIND refers mainly to combat aircraft and spacecraft, but is commonly extended to walkers that may not fly or participate in combat. It was first publicly used c.2060.

[NSC] marks a unit that has an undefined and not-1:1 scale.
[OLD] marks a unit using outdated features.
[STA] marks a unit that is static.

Civilian Terrestrial

Military Terrestrial

Civilian Aircraft/Spacecraft

Military Aircraft/Spacecraft

Weapon Modules

Standalone Weapon Systems and Structures

  • [NSC] II AMC Rift - Concealed weapon mount.
  • III AMC ACn-02 - Defensive heavy gun turret.

Concepts and Tutorials

A section dedicated to the more technical side of the game.

Flight and Construction

Miscellaneous Game

External Programs


Small pieces of information consolidated for reference.

Standard Alphanumeric Naming Conventions

The early naming system consists of a company code and an identification number.

  • As- denotes ASTIND. craft.
  • Ll- denotes LHI craft.
  • Many series of crafts have their own special code.

Advancements and Aeronautics Division Naming Conventions

ASTIND-AMC introduced a general form naming system that shows all the required information in an alphanumeric designation. Given a fictional Fighter Frame called ASF-011 Mumei:

  • The full name is ASF-011 Mumei

    • The designation or short name is ASF-011

    • The AMC prefix is the letter A

    • The type code is the letter S

    • The class code is the letter F

    • The identification number is 011

    • The string name is Mumei

  • The long name is ASF-011 Mumei Fighter Frame

The type code refers to the letter(s) that mark a unit's control model. Letters in use are S (standard relative to class), V (VTOL), and Q (automated). There can be any number of letters of this section, including zero.

The class code refers to the letter(s) that mark a unit's physical structure and/or function. Letters in use are F (fighter), H (helicopter or similar), W (walker), X (advanced), and Z (highly advanced). There can only be one letter in this section.

The string name refers to the textual nickname or codename of a unit.

All parts of the official name must only use English characters due to United Nations Government regulations. However, the name may be in any language as long as it is sufficiently pronounciable.

IPMS Public View Data Classes

All approved data transferred using the Inter-Planetary Mailing System contain a short metadata section at the beginning. The standard metadata structure is:

  • From: the author or organization name.
  • Codename: an identifying string used by access terminals, often just the date and time.
  • Access Lv: specifies tags that a user must possess to view the message contents.
  • Attachments: added files.

Fields must exist (may be left empty if unused) or the transmission may be discarded some servers or service providers.

The Access Lv controls a standard logical function, typically a or b or... or a and b and.... Only special announcement terminals used by organisations are able to send transmissions with public view tags. The tag may be a user ID as is most often seen in personal use. Common tags are:

  • 0 - all users who are logged in and using a valid access terminal.
  • 0+ - same as 0 but only users with no criminal affliation or history.
  • -1 - open transmission that may be viewed by anyone.
  • id:... - specifies a user.
  • None - treated the same as -1.