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An inquiry: Anyone have PS4 and BFV

2,429 xGeneralFischx  5.1 years ago

(Plz dont go off on me in the comments for playing and liking BFV and PS4)
I have been playing BFV for a while now, with my two close friends, who are both 2 years younger then me. We are all moderate-good at the game. However, due to it being more squad based, we need a fourth player. That is why I’m asking this. Do you have PS4, a mic and do you have BFV on it? It is becoming more and more difficult to fight with a three man team and we’re looking for a new member. Fair warning: you may be hearing screaming and yelling from pre and mid pubescent children that are all history buffs. living on the East Coast and being more on the younger side is preferred.