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How to add a reticule for external view and arcade combat scenario

16.1k StockPlanesRemastered  5.2 years ago

I'm gonna let you in on a bit of intel. You can add many parts to your plane, but one thing no one adds, either due to oversight or not knowing how to, is a pipper, or aiming reticule for projectiles such as guns and rockets, for use in external view.

A reticule can be useful for external view, for arcade style combat, or to check out that sexy beast as you're blasting away at the enemy, also if your plane can't have a good cockpit view.

One thing you need to know about is the gun line. In multi gun setups this is an emaginary line drawn between the two outermost guns.

Adding a reticule is super easy and can be done in a few steps, they're also useful if you want to use Gestour's instrument mod, and turn off the vanilla hud with f9.

The first thing you want to do is make sure your creation is completely finished. This is because once the reticule is added it will be difficult to work on the plane.
We will be using Blue0Bull's Mig-35. I've changed a few thing such as the front gear, gun, and engines.

Second, you want to make a small piece, .25x.25.x.25. Attach it anywhere, as close to the cockpit, gun, or gun line as possible.

Next you're going to open up the vanilla fine tuner and scroll to the bottom where the nudge setting is, and set it to ten.

Almost done. Now, nudge your tiny piece you just made forward by twenty, yes twenty clicks. It's going to be very far away, 320 feet . Then, if you have the finetuner mod, get rid of mass and drag.

Finely, attach a beacon light to the back of it. This must be visible from the plane, and should be a bright color, and never deactivate. I recommend yellow-green or yellow.
If you can, make it have no mass or drag.

The chances of shooting your reticule are very small but if it should happen, you can set your gun collision to false.

Also I'm taking requests on adding reticules to builds.

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    @plane918273645 no it'll work in orbital view. The farther away it is, the more accurate it is.

    5.1 years ago
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    That’s not external, it’s in the cockpit. We need one for orbit view @Brields95

    5.1 years ago
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    @plane918273645 click the links.

    5.1 years ago
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    Does it work, got any images?

    5.1 years ago
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    4,038 YoDudeChase

    A reticule?

    5.1 years ago
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    I actually tried making a different kind of reticle a long time ago, I basically made a ring of beacon lights and made them pivot and use a gyro to keep it steady, ended up being a lot of parts and not even working because the gun on the thing it was for fired large enough bullets to destroy it.

    5.2 years ago