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[IM BACK!!!] a few things in beta that should be changed for the release

9,311 xYoshii_  5.2 years ago

alright guys, i’m back because beta came out.

so i tested out the helicopter blades. the thing is, they don’t sound like the real thing, they just sound like tiny turbines you put in your...umm...let’s say your car. so the turbine sound needs some adjusting, and the sound that the blades make should depend on how many there are. one last thing, make the uss beast a default location please. because, where would new players test out the new catapult if they first started the game?

(all of this stuff is gonna be train related, so beware!)
- train couplers (we can’t just use magnets, that makes them like wooden thomas trains)
- whistles, horns, and bells
- headlights, ditchlights, mars lights, etc

i expect good opinions from you guys and the devs for the new update!!!

oh. im also not doing roleplays anymore. those are bad, and take up too much room on my discord servers list.

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    9,311 xYoshii_

    @RailfanEthan fixed
    ty for ur opinions btw

    5.2 years ago
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    for adding stuff
    1. simpleplanes
    2. no, wheels work fine
    3. magnets work fine, ive literally experimented with them and they can do plenty. go check out my recent trains for proof
    4. no
    5. no, pistons and smarts exist
    6. simplify it and add a sound block, but make sure our devs dont get copyrightes
    7. no
    8. no
    9. lights yes, piston-rotator things can be used for mars lights....
    10. no

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    9,311 xYoshii_


    5.2 years ago
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    2,790 Liquidfox01

    Nothings ever good enough, lol

    5.2 years ago
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    9,311 xYoshii_

    thanks @DPSAircraftManufacturer ! im glad u agree with my ideas.

    +1 5.2 years ago