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Suicide Bomber plane challenge Results

6,819 UnitedStankCrafts  5.4 years ago

Just like any other challenge comes to an end, this Suicide bomb plane challenge has also ended. So, here are the results....

Upvote portion-

1-Boeing Bird of Prey- hopotumon
2-Hey look, it’s the North Korea 1.0v-Bobby1024
3-Arkar SB-TE1-Windsurfer1288


2-Boeing Bird of Prey(hopotumon)- Weapons bay? Are we making suicide planes or fighter planes?

1- Ohsumi(Type2volkswagen) 4 bombs? Okay....

3- Hey look, it’s the North Korea 1.0v(Bobby1024)- Still fast, but how can we land?


2-(Replica)- Boeing Bird of Prey-hopotumon
3-(Replica) -Hey look, it’s the North Korea 1.0v(Bobby1024)- looks like spitfire or P-51 from top...,