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Weapon idea

9,101 Elicushman  5.9 years ago

I only just found out about the AIR-2 Genie rocket, and I’ve decided I really want that in simple planes. If you don’t know what it was, it was a miniature nuclear device rated at 1.5 kt made for air combat with a large blast radius. I suggest you watch a couple videos on it. Im not saying it needs to be added by the devs, but I’m trying to think of ways to do it myself.

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    9,101 Elicushman

    Ok, sweet. I’ll check it out. Thanks! @Minecraftpoweer

    5.9 years ago
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    @Elicushman well you can attach them to eachother without mods but i would say that you need overload and the finetuner mod (i preferr the mod finetuner because im very used to it) finetuner is to move the bomb and detacher while overload it to mod the missile, bobm and detacher

    5.9 years ago
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    9,101 Elicushman

    Ok. Is what mod program is that done with? @Minecraftpoweer

    5.9 years ago
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    you can make a missile with proximity detonation and on the missile is a bomb with low Health and then both will explode and even if you scale the bomb down the radius will look small but its the same i Think so use the big bomb and scale it down.

    5.9 years ago