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Tinlandian History [1]

36.1k DbE  6.3 years ago

What is this about?

Well, I’ll tell ya. Welcome and this is about Tinlandian Government and History. This should be weekly and have a different topic each time.

Today’s topic
The rise and fall of communism in Tinland

Tinland is not known for communism and certainly would not like to be communist. Though, every nation has its troubles....

It all started in 1929, Tinland was becoming poor and the current Emperor was not doing their job of keeping the people happy. So, the citizens started rioting and protesting. The Emperor was still overpowered with his greed for power. The people started to find out about the above ground country called “The Soviet Union” and heard about it’s Government. The people that disagreed with Tinland’s current Government then created The communist party of Tinland in 1930.

Soon, hostility would progress and occasional fights would brake out. Gun fights. The communist party started forming military and other things. Soon enough they decided they wanted a revolution. In February, 1932 The Communist party, declared themselves a independent state.

The Communist Revolution,
Many more fights broke out in the many tunnels of Tinland. All being catastrophic. Though, one stands out. The Battle of Louyhvoulin Island, a very important site(I will cover that next time). This island was the main access point of the Country. The Communists has developed a navy containing many gunboats. Few larger ships.

The Battle:

In April, 1932, the Battle of Louyhvoulin Island occurred. 500 Communists soldiers, armed with bolt action rifles, landed on the island. Supported by the boats, battering hostile positions. Many losses on both sides. For the Imperialists and the Communists. The Tinlandian side contained many anti-naval weapons and a battalion of elite soldiers, armed with SMGs. The attack roled out like this: Communists Gunboats arrived and battered the coastlines. Many sank due to the anti-naval weapons. Soon the infantry ships landed the 500 Communists. They stormed the fortresss of a Island and surrounded it. They fought a long 7 days, no sleep. They had to keep suppressing them. The Imperialists were dwindling in their numbers. They couldn’t last longer and they surrendered. The Island was captured.

The Triumphierender firing her 150mm guns at the nearby Imperialist island

For 2 more months the Communist party and Tinland fought. In June of 1932, the Communist party stormed the capital of Tinland, killed the Emperor, and took over. Forming the Communist state of Tinland. They would not be successful.

The time Tinland was Communist, it learned many lessons. The people were only suffering more, they grew tired and restless. The new government only lasted 7 years.

They fell in sorrow, they had fought so hard and had only come an inch. The Government was becoming poorer by the minute. Soon groups that were from the Imperialists years back, formed their own rebellion. They successfully took back the Government in a swift blow of force.

Tinland was now getting back on its feet and reforming. The people were happy and they had now given their trust to a new Emperor, one that would not succumb to greed.

The end of today’s lesson....


Hey, you! Yez, you mein friend! Want to embrace your inner German? Unite some people’s under one flag? Ehh eh?
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    36.1k DbE

    @Patton2 @chancey21 sorry for the delay, I forgot about this. number 2 will be up later today.

    6.3 years ago
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    36.1k DbE

    @chancey21 Sure, I forgot to put that it will be next week for the add. But I will look into that.

    6.3 years ago
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    69.3k Chancey21

    Can I have a small add for my SimpleTips series?

    6.3 years ago