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Help Needed

8,750 Gravity  6.3 years ago

I'm making a private jet with a full interior, but I just can't figure out the front... say in comments if you want to be mentioned
(Only if you're a good builder with experience with this sort of thing)

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    8,750 Gravity

    @BaconAircraft right then XD thanks! I just can't figure out how to make the paneling around the cockpit curve in, while keeping ther bottom relatively flat.. It always ends up with the bottom paneling curving up so it meets the others around it

    6.3 years ago
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    Idk, probably not man. I've got my hands full with the Arrow II and my crippling addiction to the game "Overwatch". Sorry. If you need pointers or help on some technical things with panelling exteriors, I'll be glad to give you some advice. @Gravity

    6.3 years ago
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    8,750 Gravity

    @BaconAircraft I know you made that sexy Arrow Private Jet, and I'm kinda shooting for a cockpit that looks like that (only from the outside) If you're interested in helping

    6.3 years ago