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technology publication (MultiplayerRifle)

10.1k PilotOfFuture  6.7 years ago

If you have seen me in multiplayer or checked my uploads latly, you might have realized, that my newest thing, a human, has a working rifle (ive already managed to shoot a icbm a short time after the launch in multiplayer... it took some tries but finally worked)
(Quick nils showed a lot of patience with me)

The point of this is to make a working gun for multiplayer due to the fact that normal oned dont work

get it here

im currently not planning to make more of those Technology publications, i just wanna see if someone likes the idea

Anyways, im here to proudly present: a working (softair) rifle.
You can get it here if you want. Feel free to use and improve.

It works by launching the boom50. The projectile is not the bomb tho, its the sphere.
It will bounce (i might remove this later) and destroy other constructions.
If you care, the droping cartridge sleeves is a necessary feature. In the version before, they would fly with the ammo, and explode when they hit the ground. I didnt like that.
Here, they will be stopped inside the gun and fall to the ground.
Ive already been thinking about making them scale 0, but actually it looks kinda cool.

how to use:
pitch and roll for Control, AG5 for geting off the bike (disable ag8 to disable the bike)
fire boom50

Btw ive called this softair because ive used spheres. Ive used them because you dont see them rotating in the air... If i can figure out how to fix that, there might be normal projectiles soon...
So despite the fact that it fires spheres, its a normal rifle.

about security:
so far this Thing is just a bomb that waits untill it can finally explode.
dont shoot while moving/rotating, brake after every shot.
firing too frequently might make you explode
dont fire in slow Motion
in conclusion: drop the rifle and run away. if there is anyone standing next to the rifle, dont Play the hero, they are gonna die anyways xD

about Problems:
the recoil (might be easy to fix)
the droping cartridge sleeves (maybe not that much of a problem)
the security issues (if you shoot someone Holding this rifle, everyone in a radius of 120m is gonna die...)

What do you think, might there be fps softair/normal battles in multiplayer one day when we solve the Problems?
I think it would be kinda cool to have a fps game where you can design your own flying car and then have a nice fight with other players... maybe in the city of maywar or the trenches of wright?
We could design our own guns, wich could shoot everything from bowlingballs to pinhead sized bouncy spheres...
Thats all, have a great day!