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21.2k HKAerodynamics  6.9 years ago

I have recently uploaded one of the greatest aircraft I have ever made, along with an all purpose, compact weapons loadout. Plus a paint job I felt quite confident about. It has been a few hours and the plane got 0 upvotes, 0 comments, and 1 download by the first hour. Now I got 2 downloads, and all I feel like doing is laughing. Its funny how sometimes you just upload things at the same exact time no one is interested in aircraft like the ones you make. You just gotta remember that there is a next time, and no matter what people think of your aircraft, you can only get better and better at building planes. I am just venting off what I know to remind myself about how successful or unsuccessful it is possible to be in SP. So I can at least take some comfort in knowing that 2 people have taken 5 minutes out of their day to download something I made just for them to use as they see fit.

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    @Clawsome I think SP is just attracting less active attention, and is less community centered than it used to be.

    6.9 years ago
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    2,895 Clawsome

    It's kinda strange if you ask me. When the community was smaller, you could easily get hundreds of downloads. Now.....
    My most popular creation ever (easter crane), got 15 upvotes(well, actually ratings but whatever) I think. That was enough to put it second highest on the highest rated list. I was so proud. Now...... Hehehe. I miss the old little website.

    6.9 years ago
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    @Lahoski107 dude! I'm not complaining. I told you, you have the wrong idea. Not getting an upvote in 4 days is understandable. And no, you might not agree with the way the points system works, but I am not complaining at all. In fact, I stated that I am particularly optimistic about one of my planes not getting an upvote. It was a unique experience and I reminded the community how to treat this situation. You obviously don't understand. I have been here for almost 2 years now, trust me. Not getting an upvote is no big deal, and I am simply venting. But you come over to my forum and tell me that I'm begging. That is a false accusation and if you are so serious about making this an official complaint, I am prepared to defend myself. I am also fully prepared to delete this forum and the aircraft it is linked to, if a moderator says it is appropriate.

    6.9 years ago
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    6,005 Lahoski107

    @HKAerodynamics I haven't got an upvoye in about 4 days and you're complaining about not getting any upvotes in one hour

    6.9 years ago
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    @HKAerodynamics it sure will

    6.9 years ago
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    @PilotOfFuture I have no idea what happened. But it doesn't matter now. I can delete and reupload it if I think it will get more attention later on.

    6.9 years ago
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    @HKAerodynamics id really like to know how this happens, i mean not everyone takes notice of a build but like nobody?

    6.9 years ago
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    @Lahoski107 what are you talking about? In explaining to the community a way to work through ths problem. Why do you think I would be begging? If I have like 100 other planes that DID get upvotes. I think you are getting the wrong idea pal.

    6.9 years ago
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    6,005 Lahoski107

    don't beg

    6.9 years ago