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Simpleplanes 1.6

5,502 one  6.9 years ago

Tweak Updates:
•Tweaked the gui
New stuff:
•BALLS! Hemisphere and sphere. Bouncy! (Please don't use it to make inappropriate stuff)
•Reaction Control Gyroscope (it can be use in VTOL aircraft to make life easier)
•Torpedo(removed because its too buggy)

This has been a great update! The best in a while! The Gyroscope is the best thing this update has to offer. I think in the next huge update we will receive helicopter items hopefully. Now i can mess with Vertigo without crashing!
Congratulations Devs! Especially HellFireKoder for this new stuff!

How to use:
• Same as normal but there is a yellow arrow if Wind Setting is on and set. The yellow arrow is an indication of where the wind is coming from. If its pointing to your bearing indicator it means that its coming from North. Wind can affect your aircraft by speed and control.

• Set how many degrees you aircraft allowed to pitch, yaw and roll. Eg:- 45* that means that your aircraft will not go over 45* while pitching, yaw either roll. You can set Auto-Orient on if you want your aircraft to recover to 0*.

•Stick it to your aircraft and nudge it wherever you want. It can bounce and its also resizable.

•Go to Settings on simpleplanes and select "wind settings". Restarting the game will not reset the wind settings. Take note.

Lol this is long.

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    5,502 one

    @BogdanX yes! The gyro is the star of this update! I now avle to create helicopters and VTOL aircraft without ruining my mood.

    6.9 years ago
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    5,502 one

    I know. Just an overview@jamesPLANESii

    6.9 years ago
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    But the devs already made a post about what's new in the 1.6 update...

    6.9 years ago