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Questions about car buidling

43.9k PlanesOfOld  7.0 years ago

I've been fiddling around with a few basic cars to test out weird XML settings and have come up with a few questions,

Q1: What is the best way to make a working suspension design, I've made some before but only simple designs, and designs I come up with now work well on paper but don't work in game due to various reasons.

Q2: What are the traction settings good for?

Q3: How to get rid of wheel squeal when you've got a more powerful engine?

Q:4 what's the best combination of settings for a racer?

Q:5 Is there any way to make downforce?

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    8,810 Verterium

    Q1: I have no clue I suck at suspensions.
    Q2: They help with cars going at very fast speeds, when they are turning. If you find the perfect amount of traction, your cars can go 200mph and still make good turns.
    Q3: In XML I know there is some way to edit it, but I forgot.
    Q4: Not sure, but I'm guessing it would be a pretty sturdy and hard suspension, low center of mass, good balanced weight, and an engine that isn't too powerful for the wheels. There is probably a lot more to it but I don't really know.
    Q5: Use wings. Sometimes when people make supercars in this game, they use wings at the front to make part of the car, and usually it just looks like part of the car, but those wings at the front can give downforce. Also, if you give the car a spoiler, just use wings, and maybe even give them pitch that can be used with VTOL or TRIM so you can adjust how much downforce you want.

    I hope this helps you!

    7.0 years ago