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Current Mood: Entry 1 (5-31-17)

16.2k Mox  7.0 years ago

One of my best friends, if not my best friend has been suffering from major depression and anxiety, and she hasn't been at school for three weeks. I won't get to see her until next year. My other friends have been pestering me these last few weeks as to her whereabouts, but I just shrugged it off or said something like "I dunno" or "She's places." Yesterday I just completely snapped and pretty much shouted at them some details about her situation that I'm not going to go into here.

My plays three planes, which I put many hours of my life into, only received about 3 UVs on average. What did I do wrong? The thumbnail, the time of upload, the title, literally everything? Feedback appreciated.

On a more positive note, two more days of school then I'm out (yay).

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    Lol, slept till 12:00 today @Mox

    7.0 years ago
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    16.2k Mox

    @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing ah lucky! I just have two more exams tomorrow, then I'm done! I'm finally going to get some sleep xD

    7.0 years ago
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    I'm homeschooled, so we already finished school ;)

    7.0 years ago
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    16.2k Mox

    @AstleyIndustries thanks for the feedback. I did see the issue with my most recent upload directly after I posted it, but it was too late. I'll take your criticism in consideration next time :)

    7.0 years ago
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    Screenshot stuff:
    - take screenshots closer to your planes, they appear too small and details are hard to see
    - if you want to use dull colors, maybe try an editor background mod

    7.0 years ago