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8,433 Testin123  7.1 years ago

The upvote system. The heart of sp goals that keeps a challenge: get to the top.

It motivates us to make great builds.

It keeps us going.

It's a never ending challenge.

Sometimes things need a change.

Here's how I'd imagine it.

If a bronze player upvotes a creation, 15 points.
If a silver player upvotes a creation, 25 points.
If a gold player upvotes a creation, 35 points.
If a platinum player upvotes a creation, 45 points.

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    8,433 Testin123

    @TheLatentImage Good point. Thank you for your honest feedback.

    7.1 years ago
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    I disagree with this for a few reasons. A person's score here does not directly coorelation with their skill in the editor. I've seen platinum players who have a long way to go, and I've seen bronze players upload some amazing stuff.
    Also, I believe that one vote should equal one vote regardless of who you are in general. One person's opinion and vote shouldn't have more clout and sway than another person's vote.
    Also people could use a system like that to fluff their score unfairly.

    Due to these reasons I don't think think it is very fitting to allow one person's vote to count for more points than another person's vote based on their score and rank.

    7.1 years ago
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    Well what if a platinum upvotes a platinum?

    7.1 years ago
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    Yup! @Multidimensional

    7.1 years ago
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    Nah. On this community, were all equals.

    7.1 years ago
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    hmm I like this

    7.1 years ago