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8,660 Deloreandude  7.2 years ago

It appears i have been featured... Wow, never thought this would happen!

As most of you know, my year has been the worst. Not because of Trump, no no no, in fact i thought that was pretty cool (and dont stop reading now just because I brought up the fact that Trump is now president and I enjoy his work, give him a damn chance people). It was actually because of the fact that I was losing everything that I had ever known in the past 3 years. My friends left me, both of my pets died, my grades were slipping, and I was (and still kind of feel like) about to leave in one way or another. You know what's crazy? When I discovered I was featured this morning, everything went well from there. I made a 91 on a math test, breakfast for lunch, the JROTC battalion I'm a part of received the honor unit with distinction award, and sooooo much more good happened today!!! It was incredible! This may be the turnaround that I've needed! The friend front is worse than ever, but I dont think i really care anymore. It may appear that humans are social creatures, but I feel that in time people will come along that actually will be my friends instead of using me. I'am a historian, military fanatic, artist, shy guy who no one really knows or cares about right now because no one is really like me that I know. I believe that in time some people will start to know me and actually like me. For now, I only have like 1 or 2 people that are even slightly like me that i can even talk to, like i said i dont really care anymore. I think tomorrow may even be better than today, this may actually be it. It's kind of like i was in a room full of doors, but almost every one has a boxing glove attached to a mechanical metal stick that just knocks a little bit of sense into you and a lot of hell also. Maybe that red door in the corner may actually be it... In a few days, I guess I'll know. But for now I wait slowly turning the knob. Thank you, everyone, who has supported my work or followed me on this site, for quite a while this site was a problem solver. For the long almost 800 hours i have invested in the game i felt i was creating something people would actually respect and enjoy. I may have been wrong, i may have been right, i dont know and i dont think i ever will. One thing will always be certain, this site has changed my life in many ways. I dont think i will be permanently returning, but more of a random upload every so often. As always, THANK YOU FOR VIEWING! :D
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @Spinnes Mostly I'am feeling better. I dont know if i have autism still, a lot of signs both do and dont point to it. Like i said, I think it's better to find out later than now.

    7.2 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @Spinnes Autism has seemed to occur much more often in the past 20 years, i think its not that we have not recorded it, its just that we tolerate it a lot more often in this era. Frankly, i would hate to have autism, to just find it out would change my behavior i would think. I probably couldn't live with it, the fact that once people find out about it they treat you differently for the rest of your time on this earth. I would probably tell no one if i found out, and if i did i would probably end my own life within a year. I tend to dwell on things, and i think if something affected my everyday life it would make me wish for death. I barely believe in a god too, just the thought of ceasing to exist in an eternity of nothingness is better than being treated differently for the rest of your life. I may have to get tested in the future, but part of me thinks its better just not to know. I'm going in the Air Force once i get older, i guess ill just find out then. If i do have it, i probably wont be able to even do what I've wanted to all of my life. If i do have autism, i dont want to be an exception to the rule and allowed in the air force because they will be more accepting of people with problems. So, either way when i find out, I wont get what i want and i will probably hate myself for the rest of my life. So now im really scared and stressed out and actually do feel like crying. I guess i just have the joy of not knowing for about 6 more years and the stress of thinking about it for about the same time.

    7.2 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @Spinnes And i would not receive much of an answer after about a year's work?

    7.2 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @Spinnes by haziness do you mean how it was unclear?

    7.2 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @Spinnes Interesting. To be honest, i thought the same thing near the beginning of the year that i may have some sort of a mental disorder. I have never been tested for any disorders, but i have always had a suspicion that everyone is keeping something from me. They treat me different, almost drove me to insanity thinking about it. However, I dont think i will ever know, I've worked on tracking and finding what made people treat me the way they do for about a year. It could just have to do with my past and maybe they feel sorry for the things that have happened to me; but I dont know. I used to cry a lot, now i dont. I guess it just could be because im getting older or the fact that I have just gotten used to all of the bad things happening to me.

    7.2 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @Spinnes really? Explain

    7.2 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @EliteIndustries1 No,you weren't annoying last night at all. I guess I kind of can understand that it would be hard with that kind of logic that you are either considered terrible and liked by your group or you are considered normal and not known very well throughout the community.

    7.2 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @Delphinus thank you :D

    7.2 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @EliteIndustries1 Interesting, I have never really met any emos in person that i can remember. I will abide by what you said, and so if i ever meet an emotional then i can try to not annoy them or agitate them by asking them questions. I would imagine you would get annoyed being asked a lot about the same thing all the time. I guess it's just the fact that there are few emos and whenever people hear the word emo they often picture goths, black clothing, dark emotion, etc. So they ask them the same questions because they have only seen or heard of them on TV and they may think of it as funny or possibly interesting. I dont really know what that's like to be part of something like that, I have very little emotion and empathy due to my past, and I have never been a part of a group like that.

    7.2 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @Visify thank you, i shall try :D

    7.2 years ago
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    22.6k Visify

    You sound like a cool dude. dont worry bro, focus on school and whatever you like doing and everything will be alright!

    7.2 years ago
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    22.6k Visify

    Damn son

    7.2 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @saturn28 thank you, i hope it actually is a turnaround and not something false

    7.2 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @EliteIndustries1 I'm not exactly a positive person, im a logical realist who looks at the facts and not the fantasy. I guess you could call that being negative, but i cant really control it because im who i'am. I'm the type of person that would seem to be almost completely contrary to the emotional norms of today. I don't cry, I'm mostly emotionally tough, and I dont really express love for the majority of things. I'm not beautiful, I have to accept that, I'm socially awkward, have to accept that too. Everyone has some flaws, some more than others, and i guess people just have to accept it, as do I.
    As I said, I'am different than mostly everyone you will ever communicate with. From that song, I did gather something i enjoy more than all emotion: pride. The hope that makes you lead the great armies of light into the hellish eternal depths of fear. I must say, it was very interesting. The art style was very Gothic and depressing, yet the people who had survived that seemingly terrible apocalypse quote "carried on". I liked it, kind of made me believe that I had a quest to complete as do most prideful songs have such affects on me. I wouldn't put it on repeat for an hour, but it is pretty good. I was surprised, most modern music i hate to listen too, this was an exception to that rule.

    7.2 years ago
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    6,338 KDS

    I'm glad life is goung back uphill. Life is a swift kick to the you know where. The point is to be able to get back up stronger, ready for the next kick. Humans are social creatures who can help each other up from that kick. Be carful because they can also push you back down. (Point: Life is hard, pick good friends and be around your family, then you will succeed when life gets tough again because you will have people to help you up.)

    7.2 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @EliteIndustries1 why would they want to feature all of my planes? I barely think i deserve the one XD

    7.2 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @EliteIndustries1 wait, i dont understand, can you please explain to me your cause?

    7.2 years ago