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5,959 livetoplay11  7.4 years ago

Really, I'm a good at making up stories.

USA, Year 2713

In a secret underground base somewhere in East Tennesssee...
Armed Forces General: I don't feel safe down here, it feels like we could be infiltraited at any minute.
President of the US: We will be safe, who would think of a base here in boring Tennessee? Anyway, let's talk about Russia. I've heard they're planning to break our bonds and attack the United States.
Head of Senate: Where'd you hear that? The internet? He laughs
President of US: You really think I'm that stupid? If Russia attacks it could start a World War, other nations would help them, the UK could be destroyed along with the US. We must attack first!
Secretary of Defense: He might be right, if the Russians attacked we would be to weak, they're putting more money into their Armed Forces and I'm sure the whole of Africa would help. But then again....
General butts in But then again us and our allies might not be able to take Russia's troops if the Africans help.
Secretary of Defense: Exactly.
President of the US: Either way a new World War will most likely start, I say we don't wait and die, but instead die with a H*ll of a fight!
General: Here, here.
Secretary of Defense: It's settled then, we attack next week after we gather troops and info.

It was settled, they thought they would rather fight than wait to die.

Three days after the meeting in Canada...

Radio transmission
Unkown Speaker: We have gathered some intel from our top spies...
General: What did you learn?
Unkown Speaker: Russia is planning to convince Iraq to attack the US to distract us, they plan to do it in three days, before we planned to attack.
General: Then we must make the attack two days early and catch Russia Offgaurd, I will inform the other leaders.
Unkown Speaker: Very well.

The attack will be two days early as not giving the US enough time to gather the amount of troops they planned.

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