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Finally, it's here!

4,236 MeetThyDoom  7.8 years ago

Greetings, after many, many weeks of fiddling around and testing...The BL-11 Ballistic Missile Launch System is finally here! Capable of crossing off-road terrain and reaching high speeds on road. You will be able to launch a ballistic missile from anywhere, undetected.

China and Russia have already placed orders for over 1000s of these vehicles. MTD Aviation has been offered money many times from America and Western Europe to not sell to the Russians and Chinese but we will not accept any money unless they wish to purchase any vehicles. The Americans have subsequently ordered 400 vehicles.

We have also picked up on the fact that MI6 is watching us closely and have agents in our head quarters. We have nothing to hide and we plan to destroy them ASAP.


Propulsion 2x 200BHP V6 engines powering 16w drive

Top speed: 231 MPH

Advised off-road speed: 45 MPH

Weight: 47.3 imperial tons

Range: 100+ metric miles

On road performance: Good

Off-road performance: fair, 45 MPH is advised as a max speed.

You can find this vehicle here

Good luck out there.