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498 Legitpotato  8.2 years ago

I need help with creating cars or other types of land vehicles.

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    @jsaret I forgot to tag you in the last comment.

    8.2 years ago
  • Profile image Hopefully this works

    8.2 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    @Legitpotato still nothing. Care to just copy the link into the comment box here?

    8.2 years ago
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    Oh. Oops. @jsaret

    8.2 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    @Legitpotato you need to tag me I'm the comments on it

    8.2 years ago
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    I posted it. @jsaret

    8.2 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    @Legitpotato if you want to post it unlisted I'd be happy to take a look

    8.2 years ago
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    I made a truck. It's not the best but I'm happy with it. I used your jeep and made some modifications. @jsaret

    8.2 years ago
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    I'll try that. Thanks @jsaret

    8.2 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    As you saw my recent speciality is transit vehicles but pickups are not so hard to do. Perhaps use the bottom layer (or more) of the Heep Vinyl IVC.

    8.2 years ago
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    Thanks :)@CaesiciusPlanes

    8.2 years ago
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    I want to build just a simple vehicle that looks realistic but I have no idea how. What I want to be able to build is a pickup truck of some sort.

    8.2 years ago
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    well ask me anytime!

    8.2 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    Hello there... What do you need help with?

    8.2 years ago
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    checks account Oh. Never mind. @jsaret

    8.2 years ago
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    You can build vehicles? @jsaret

    8.2 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    You called me?

    8.2 years ago