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Re: Think of points as..

1,178 Shawniepie  8.0 years ago

Just for you all to know, I posted this a couple days ago. It actually seems more relevant now, so I'm gonna post it again for you guys to see.

Hello there! You probably are wondering about what I think about points. Well if you're not then my title failed. Let me get right in.

Think of Downloads and Upvotes and the currency of Simple Planes. Downloads are worth almost nothing, like cents, while Upvotes are worth a lot, like dollars. Downloads are given out freely, without someone caring that much. Upvotes on the other hand are useful, and are conserved. With that out of the way let me get into the important part.

People will only give Upvotes to things that they liked, or that goes with the trend. People who Upvote on "Thanks for -Insert- points!" are doing it because it follows a trend someone started. They don't Upvote it because they love to give out Upvotes out, they have to conserve them.

If you want the currency known as Upvotes, go with the trend. If you want to make something that goes against the tide, trust me, if it's good it may get Upvotes, but relatively will get nothing. If you set a trend, you're not gonna get more Upvotes then the trend leacher down the line.

In study, leach off of the current trends and you will do good. Set a trend, you will not be better then the leacher.

This is my thesis of Upvotes, thank you for reading.
