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Short Fic : The Beep

1,246 Ambarveis  8.1 years ago

Our hydrophones picked up a strong beep last month, bizzare and extremely loud. It lasted throughout day and night.

The moment the government knew about this, they sent the army to the snow island. They sent aircraft carriers and battleships to our research islands. The general told us it was a matter of national security.

It was peculiar. They were stockpiling more and more weapons and defenses. When we took one of our prototypes for a test run near the island, they warned us to turn around.

They were flying out towards the sea with bombers and fighters. Every night we'd hear jets flying past our facilities. One day, they stopped. The general pulled his army back from the snow island.

My colleagues were curious. They went out to fly towards the bombing location.

They never returned.

Edit : I accidentally deleted the paragraph regarding the bombings, fixed.

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    6,953 Wahoo12

    Darn it @Ambarveis ! I thought it was this, but bigger!

    8.1 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    @Ambarveis Yes it is. RIP colleagues.

    8.1 years ago
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    1,246 Ambarveis

    @Pilotmario That is an interesting scenario

    8.1 years ago
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    1,246 Ambarveis

    @jfriss It's actually the backstory for the cthulhu hehee

    8.1 years ago
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    9,618 jfriss


    8.1 years ago
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    Update The whole base is dessolate.

    8.1 years ago
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    By using space slip technology I was able to skip into the base without harm, by overwhelming their sensors. When I landed there was noone present. a short recon proved that, infact, the bese is unmanned, however there was evidence of recent activity. perhaps this weapon backfired? I'll check the boat slip below the base.

    8.1 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    Our crusier PMRS Paternia (CL-11) had a similar incident by Snow Island. I believe your colleagues were shot down with an unusual weapon that targets only living tissue. We received a distress call, where one of the pilots claimed "they were melting". A Sparrow drone was sent to the area, and the wreck of their aircraft were found. It was as if they flew into the mountain. The drone dropped a Ball drone, which found their ejection seats unfired. We could not locate their bodies. Curiously, their flight uniforms were slightly charred, without blood. Our drone was apparently targeted by this weapon, but all carbon-based components were destroyed.

    We deduce this was an carbon disruptor, a weapon which we have trialed, but not accepted. It targets organic substances, all which have carbon, and excites carbon, generating intense heat. It has also been proven to ignite fossil fuels. Our drone was not affected largely because it was made of fiberglass, although carbon-fiber and graphene components of its wings were destroyed completely.

    We did not accept the weapon due to its high cost, perceived immorality, immobility, and low relative cost-effectiveness. But apparently, whoever they are, they have gained access to this weapon. We can provide technical details for assistance.

    8.1 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    @ReserveAccount Lol a "Derpback whale"?

    8.1 years ago
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    @Ambarveis Probably a derpback whale.

    8.1 years ago
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    1,246 Ambarveis

    @ReserveAccount haha I wonder what caused that beep

    8.1 years ago
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    dududududuu MYSTERY! - Glaceon (ShatterFox)

    8.1 years ago