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Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill-Restored And Colorized

43.9k PlanesOfOld  8.3 years ago

I took the stock image from google images it was in poor nick and needed some editing and fixing,

After this was done In Photoshop express using multiple editing features it looked something like this

Then I saved it to the camera roll and took it to photoshop fix,
Where I took out some specks of dust either on the image or the camera lens at the time, i did some more editing where the lines were a bit rough and then started out in the paint tool with the skin tones, I used a light peach watered down for the base layer and went over with a more orange-ish peach and then with a light red I went around the cheeks, ears and nose the lips used some red that was a bit darker than the skin tone, and the nails were a bit greyer,
I went over the coat and waistcoat with a blue and then darkened it with black and I did the same with the bow tie and hat, the whites were left and are the only original colours I have left in the photograph, I then did the sandbags and the wall and spent a while wondering how to do the doorway, I made the frame in a grey/green colour and decided that it would work so I saved and this is what it ended up like,

I then took it back to photoshop express for the final touches and there we have it, the finished product!

It's very easy to colourize and it's quite fun and thereputic, this is my first successful attempt also if you are interested in colourizing head over to /r/colorization on Reddit to find some amazing pieces of history in colour!

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    2,262 BasketKase

    Churchill's peace sign beats Hitler's salute.

    7.5 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    Hahah. If you mean V for victory, then scissors are always victorious my friend. @Destroyer5713

    7.5 years ago
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    2,262 BasketKase

    Scissors beat paper, if you know what I mean.

    7.5 years ago
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    8.3 years ago
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    Mod Squirrel

    I'd like to see how his moustache turns out!! XD

    Not sure what I'd do next, if anything at all. Maybe a YB-60 if I have the time though!

    8.3 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    Nice! I think my next one will be Louis Bleriot @Squirrel

    8.3 years ago
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    Mod Squirrel

    I did something similar with a B-36 photograph a while ago:

    Original Image:

    Edited Image:

    Not quite as challenging as yours, but it was nice to bring an old relic back to life again!

    8.3 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    @TheColonel building planes is not all that I do you know. I hope you like this,

    8.3 years ago