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[CRESTEN WAR] MINI #1 Revenge can be a bitter thing.

3,773 MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26  25 days ago

On this episode of Cresten war minis Revenge is calling
In revenge for their fallen comrades the some of the 2 AC-50S set out to take out Cresten Aircraft The 2 AC-50s flying
They then encountered A lone Intimidator ai fighter and decided to jump it the intimidator immediately closed the distance and shredded the First Ac-50 said AC-50 getting shredded and then went into a turning battle with the second AC-50 the Ac-50 expanded the distance and then charged hoping to get a lock but got its wing shot off and then plunged into the sea second one getting its wing shot off A few minutes later the single A-40 In service with AC-industries found the intimidator and quickly downed it its cockpit got shot off intimidator falling into the sea The A-40 then returned to base.
And that's it for todays CRESTEN WAR MINI. side note how is the writing