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Desc. Tutorial

11.1k DogedogebreadWithAnAK47  one month ago

This was made off of a request,
The perfect desc. is based on how you position the parts of your desc.
It might look like this
- (my hashtag button isn' t working, but put one here) Armament
- AA-52
- Gau-4
- 4x 250 lb bombs
- (my hashtag button isn' t working, but put one here) Lore (fictional)
- this design was made in 1950 and was a light bomber, blah blah blah, lore stuff, what country used it, and etc.
(I usually put something here reminding people to notify me if there are problems with the VR

If you do a real plane you may want to copy and paste, as well as link Wikipedia for accurate info.
-link to your source