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8,580 TheOfficalMarylander  6 months ago

I present to other who may need this (im talking to all of you gray and red zoners out there!)

I have made(more like taken) this formula from everyone who has been complaining about the bots(WE GET IT), as i have been a victim of seeing this thread constantly.


If you are wondering what this stands for, lets go throught it together!

A: Avoid

If the person that is spamming constantly, or just mean or rule-breaking in general is getting on your nerves, dontmake a forum post or reply! Just remove yourself from the situation(its easier than it looks!! I didnt learn that before arguing with so mant people, i admit to it).It is likely the issue will be dealt with soon enough as per the rules state, which brings us to the next letter...

B: Block

This is simple(planes), just go to the users page, and remove them from your life with a click. When a user is blocked, you can't respond to their posts, and they cant respond to yours, so no aggrivated assult! Silence speaks, so you dont need to.

R: Report

If the person's post/comment/biography really annoys you, all thats needed is a click on the big report button provided. The mods will eventually see the wave of reports, and the person will be dealt with effectively and fairly.

and finally...

M: Move On!

Simple as that. It is more likely for an arguement to start up again if you continue talking about the subject, so just leave it be and let it be water under the bridge.

In summary...

A.B.R.M will be the DMZ in your SimplePlanes community.

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    @DatMaluchGuy19 well, they will come back most likely, under new names and shit, but we need an actual investigating team in India(if thats where they are stationed)

    6 months ago
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    @5 report these mfs, not just to the moderator, but i think there should also be a full blown investigation on this whole human trafficking situation fr.

    6 months ago
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    @DatMaluchGuy19 true tbh

    6 months ago
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    29.6k TriStar

    Imo, when most of the mods are inactive/busy with real life things (mrsilverwolf is training to fly Embraer 175 I think) reports won't be as effective, imagine how huge their backlog is whereas a forum post detailing the issue and accounts involved in it, is easily visible in the event they come back online after a while, ofc im not a mod so idk how things are run within them but this just my 2cents

    6 months ago
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    29.6k TriStar

    @kaabir01 Damn bruh this human trafficking op really be going full on their marketing

    6 months ago
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    Nice! This Forum Post Should Be Pinned Tbh.

    +2 6 months ago
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    @5 you might need this just saying

    6 months ago