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Zerø's Bigger Project Update 4/5/2023

49.5k ZeroWithSlashedO  one year ago

Hey ya'll. Just wanna quickly show something off and give some updates about current ongoing projects and some updates.

This update only covers the bigger projects and which I care about, if you're wondering where the other projects I have listed on my "Projects List" go, it's either that I don't care about it anymore, or it's not a big enough project.

SimplePlanes: Su-27SKM

Both a lack of motivation and a lack of strong enough equipment made me abandon this project. So I'm thinking of giving up the Su-27SKM. I may or may not am going to publish this soon, depending if I wanted to or no.

For those who's wondering "Why in the hell would you abandon this project?", the answer is because due to my expectation and ambition being too high. That said, if you want to continue on the legacy of my Su-27SKM you can contact me on Discord. Though I have very high expectations so, I might not accept the first person to contact me.

SimplePlanes: F-16C Block 50 Fighting Falcon/Viper

But hey, on the bright side, hello. New project. If you've been following on the official discord servers I'm in or if you've checked my profile, you know I've been trying to make the Viper for a while. And some of you might've even known about a "special" variant, coming soon.

The Viper is still on it's very, very early phase of the development, and alot of things are yet to be added. But for now, at least it has somewhat of an OK flight model. More updates incoming for the Viper soon, so stay tuned!

SimplePlanes: Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon

And yes, I have another big project in the making. I'll be focusing on the Eurofighter for a few months forward, so there might not be more frequent updates or some mid quality stuff I post. The next question is however, is how much motivation I will have in order to finish this project?

Unlike the Su-27SKM, however, both the Viper and the Typhoon isn't set at a high expectation level. I'll try to reduce as much parts as possible while still making it as beautiful as possible. Both in performance, and in looks. And of course, bigger projects being... Well, bigger, you can expect at least a loadout variation. But hopefully if I'm not lazy enough I can finish both of these two projects :D

That's all I have for today though.

Tag requests are open again ladies and gentlemen. T to tag for the next update post or the release of the projects!