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I am alive (well sorta)

12.0k FomahaultCoredemshau  1.8 years ago

Hey! Alright i have passed surgery. So my left arm is still broken but they said just let it stay and it will fix itself up, also i have some major issue on myself as i have brain damage due to impact when got hit. But anyway thank god im still alive.

They said my brain damage will dissolve in around 30 years, huh i must be supra old by then.

And right now im still on intensive care room, and ofcourse its wierdly warm.

The internal damage on mine is safe as they have donored some parts from some very helpful people around, also whoever you are that donored your parts i give you a tungsten-gold carbide if i have my money still.

Yes somebody else is writing this because i cant write properly, its some doctor here thanks for writing this mate.

Also im in crippling money issue rn i have to pay $32.920 for the services, oh well

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    3,196 Allegro369

    Well done my friend! The Norrish government are currently sending donations for you since you are very important

    1.8 years ago
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    2,713 XMIndustries

    Sooooooo good to hear that you're alive. The army shall carry on.

    1.8 years ago
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    Glad to hear you're still with us!

    +2 1.8 years ago