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Skyfall: Delta wing of yore

26.6k MakotoIto  2.1 years ago

Good evening Simpleplanes,

I recently teased a light attack helicopter. In that post, I included an image of a fighter aircraft. The result of over 2 years of building one aircraft has been fruitful: it flies smoothly, and the new control elements have allowed it to operate in impressive manners. Some neat features include the following:

  • Automatic pitch holding (requires a bit of play before activating)
  • Cockpit with working radar (I stole this from someone :p)
  • Virtual Reality compatibility
  • Flap brakes, and non-STOL landing

A few other older aircraft builds will be released when I figure out their interior designs. This one will be launched after the attack helicopter's VR is tested and reviewed by other builders. Until then, enjoy some images!

The development of the aircraft has been significant

Two fighters in formation

It has a lot of movement. Flaps, controls, etc.

Simple enough interior. Works in VR too

Reads a lot of stuff for you

Teaser for another aircraft I teased a long time ago

  • Makoto