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Teaser: I have gone too far ,for sure

3,142 JeskoGoesVROOM  2.2 years ago

I decided to make a random car that just has the most insanely (and, frankly and obviously, unneccessarily) overengineered aerodynamics, in like, ever. Hence the name, Anarchy Aero.

I took a lot of inspiration from real-life vehicles (and some fictional ideas too) so i'll list all the aero bits here:
- Pop-up airbrake wing (Bugatti Veyron/Chiron)
- Slide-back panel thing for increased stability during high speed (there was some Mercedes supercar that had something that mildly resembled it, idk the exact name)
- Two panels that pop out during cornering to increase downforce on one side (Pagani Huayra)
- Rotating aero fins (inspired by F-22 Raptor's stabilizers)
- 3x ground effect fans that commit BIG AIR SUCC (GMA T.50)
- (not in build yet) MEGA CHONKER diffuser (Lamborghini Centenario and Bugatti LVN, eat your heart out.)

Here's more pictures of the insanity:

I have made nightmare fuel and i'm sorry that i did