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15K!! [+Teaser Stuffs]

20.5k LieutenantSOT  2.2 years ago

Alright, mates!
I have reach gold three times! Only 2 more times to go and I will be platinum, or 5 times gold. Whichever you weirdos prefer

Anywho, I am soon to bequeath a gorgeous series of aircraft to the site, so bear with me. I am one hell of a disorganized disaster. Nonetheless, I am currently working on a plane for my alternate WW2 timeline I previously mentioned in a latter post. The first to go up will be the Yermolayev Model 8, a fictional heavy bomber designed in the midst of a Second World War gone bad. The US had just capitulated, and the scientists at Boeing and Convair worked with Yermolayev to design a bomber capable of working with Japan in the Pacific (I suggest reading the post so this makes sense lmao), and Romania in Europe. For this reason, it is a super long range bomber that is amphibious. Here are the (bad) designs:

Although I am currently working on it, and am actually making some pretty fast progress, I will not release any pictures until I am closer to being done

As you can see, it is highly resemblant of the Convair B-36, which was in the works at the time of this aircraft's inception, and the Yermolayev Model 2, which was already a successful bomber in production. It incorporates 6 piston engines with secondary bodies in the innermost nacelles, and the cockpit area is very resemblant of the Yer-2, with the only difference being the RADAR pod under the fuselage. The aircraft also has 4 jet engines, and a unique wing design

I also have my B-36 which is in the works, however, I do not have any updates on it at this time lol

On the other hand, my next project will be the MIG-CON Model 1. Basically, after the formal unification of the American and Soviet designers, they formed MIG-CON, or ???-??? in cyrillic/Russian.
This aircraft is based on the P-63 Kingcobra and the Ryan FR-1 Fireball. It also incorporates a system similar to the P-47 with a turbo compound compressor connecting to the jet engine in the rear from the centerline radial piston engine. Designed in 1945 by MIG-CON as a high subsonic aircraft to compete against German aircraft, it rivaled well. Holding outstanding maneuverability and a good top speed of just over 510 knots, and being the first successful Allied aircraft to use air to air missiles in conflict, it proved revolutionary. After American carriers and Japanese carriers landed in Soviet ports, it was also designed with an arresting hook and foldable wings. It later on worked with the MIG-CON model 11, which was a heavy fighter.

Anyways, in short, thank you all for the support, and I know I haven't posted much of anything consistently, school is just killing me lol. I have no will or free time. But! I will try and go back to regularly uploading builds, hopefully like once a week or something lol. However, my building style has changed like 5 times in the past few months, so all my old builds look different than how they are now...
So... yeah. Thanks! XD

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    49.7k BeastHunter


    Pinned 2.2 years ago
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    I know the drawing is terrible, I just wanted an idea
    I did make the fuselage WAY too bloated, but I did that to see it better, and I ran out of room for the wings lol. I currently have most of the fuselage done, and am working on the horizontal stabilizers

    Pinned 2.2 years ago
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    6,443 Flewey

    @LieutenantSOT Ah, I knew you remembered me. I was just joking around. To be honest, I kind of forgot about this place. Got caught up in school, my ex dumping me, and then I started getting real depressed...
    Luckily, I got pulled out of the mud by my parents and my new girlfriend, who has done wonders for me. I'm still in recovery mode, so I dunno how often I'll be posting, but I will post a few builds. I'll tag you on 'em.
    Anyway, see ya around.

    2.1 years ago
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    @Flewey I remember you tho. Glad you're still around, I thought you had left!

    2.1 years ago
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    @Flewey aww, thank you mate! I absolutely will
    I'll send you a link to a thing I'm working on too lol

    2.1 years ago
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    6,443 Flewey

    Wow, man. You really took off, didn't you. That's great! It's been a while since we've talked. I hope you still remember me... Haha...
    Anyway, I'll be around, maybe not too often though. It's good seeing you again. Talk to ya some other time.

    By the way, tag me on your bomber. Looking forward to it.

    2.1 years ago