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Decals and liveries

5,812 GabrielFangster70  2.6 years ago

There was something in this update that was missed and it was the decals and liveries, that yoh can put onto the plane, that you can crop into various shapes in order to get the right shape (just like in google slides) or you can draw an outline on the image area that you want and that cuts the outer part of the image and make it keep the part of the image that is inside the outline. and should work just like the text tool. And can be imported from the photos app on mobile or the files app on pc or mac. How about that

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    14.1k Griffon1

    Well here's the thing. since aircrafts are stored on the hard drive (and website) as .xml files, which are text only, you would really need complex formatting in order to accommodate fully custom, texture-esque liveries. I mean I'd like too see this feature too but I'm not sure how anyone would pull it off without completely redoing the way and format in which aircraft are saved.

    2.6 years ago