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So I lived a tornado

16.5k FlirBlitz  2.5 years ago

Why the actual HELL am I making this. Am I just insane? Ah does it look like I care here's the story.

So I was just watching YouTube when I heard the American warning siren. I check my phone and it says "Tornado Warning". I look at it like, "wh... since when did my state get tornadoes?" But I look outside, its cloudy. Hey, normal. It's been cloudy almost the whole week. But, then something happened. I heard an "explosion" (it was thunder you idiot). To me, since I played too much war thunder, it sounded like a tank battle. Of course I was concerned. It doesnt just do that out of the blue. Unless you live in Britain then it can I guess.
I look outside. It's the same.

FAST FOWARD! Why is it getting darker...
It was getting darker because what I thought was just a dumb warning that has been happening for an entire year now, was actually real. Yeah, real tomato. (yes a tomato hehe) I started talking to my head Tank Desinger over at the United Brick Rigs Armed Forces or UBRAF. And he god..
"Go to your basement."
I'm happy I have one. Thought I didn't even need it. I kept talking to him for another hour. But then it happened. Another warning. But this wasn't like the first. This was official. I look out my living room window scared. But I got more scared when I saw a round cloud. The minute I saw that, wind just blew more powerful than the wolf blew the pigs hou... why am I even writing this. No, what?
Anyway, after the wind came the rain. I could almost hear the shingles flying, but it wasn't the shingles since the person who came a few months ago fixed the roof I'm under and made it b e t t e r. And what was weird, it passed in a minute. It was gone just like that. Unfortunately others weren't so lucky. On Twitter there is a picture of a tree that smashed the roof of what seems to me either a Ford, Toyota, or Jeep. I don't know if anyone died, but this is what I think is a 77mph tornado from what I know currently, and it doesn't seem like a 77mph tornado yeeted someone or slapped someone and ended up killing them.
Anyway, that is my Tornado Story. I can predict the future cuz I made a presentation on tornadoes and had a dum dream of wide putin but he's a tornado.

Godspeed Comrades


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    16.5k FlirBlitz

    Mein gott this is a flippin profit machine

    Pinned 2.5 years ago
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    16.5k FlirBlitz

    @FeatherWing you practically dont even feel the earthquake lol

    2.5 years ago
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    22.7k FeatherWing

    Yeah, we do get things like Tornados and Earthquakes over here, but they are so incredibly minor that they basically don't exist as such.

    2.5 years ago
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    16.5k FlirBlitz

    @TitanIncorporated thanks!

    2.5 years ago
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    16.5k FlirBlitz

    @FeatherWing huh, well I don't think you can get them over in Britain since when summer is summer it's probably hot and when fall/winter comes it's cold. Spring I guess is just storm. Just floods I wasn't expecting lol

    2.5 years ago
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    22.7k FeatherWing

    "Unless you live in Britain then it can I guess."
    Well, over here in good old Blighty, the worst 'tornados' we get is just some somewhat strong wind.
    The worst natural disasters we get are just floods, if you were wondering.

    2.5 years ago
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    16.5k FlirBlitz

    @se34ruy mostly the eastern section not where you probably live

    2.5 years ago
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    629 se34ruy

    didnt get a alarm on anything for some reason ( i can confirm that my alert thing is on)

    2.5 years ago
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    629 se34ruy

    just hail and wind and rain and thunder. and darkness

    2.5 years ago
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    629 se34ruy

    yep im also in new york. no tornado though.

    2.5 years ago
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    4,167 Formula350

    @Bobyo NY... Yep, weird indeed for a 'nado!
    Oh and that reminded me of ANOTHER contrast between MN and TN... You mentioned basements, and that was common in MN, but for whatever reason they don't have them in TN. At least not in the same way. Down here, when they do have them, they're walk-out basements where the basement is built into a hill, but one wall is fully exposed with windows and a door.
    With how much different a basement's temperature can be, you'd think that in the south where it's warmer, they'd want to leverage that cooler underground aspect... but... nope... lol *shrug*

    @Wibbley Ah yes, Russia, you certainly have a good relationship and understanding of Winter, then, just as I do.
    One could even say that growing up where we have, Winter is like a third parent! -- and depending on where Bobyo lives in NY, for him as well! As a parent does, Winter also teaches us what to, or not to do, and the (literally) cold, harsh lessons it presents us each year by living with it for those 4 to 6 months. :D\
    .... Hmm ok, maybe less like a parent and more like a dysfunctional and mentally unstable Uncle, who bounces between living with family members for various periods of time... lol (thankfully, I am not speaking from experience, but that just feels rather accurate; I imagine it'd be fun having them around for some days, but other days, wishing they would go away... like how it can be with winter!)

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    26.4k Wibbley

    @Bobyo * laughing on snowy *

    2.5 years ago
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    16.5k FlirBlitz

    @Wibbley ah well, you could ask Hitler and Napolean if they've lived big snowstorm

    2.5 years ago
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    26.4k Wibbley

    @Formula350 I live in Russia, not very far from Syktyvkar, it's in the north and east of Moscow

    2.5 years ago
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    16.5k FlirBlitz

    @Formula350 What's funny is that I'm in New York. We barely get them.

    2.5 years ago
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    4,167 Formula350

    @Bobyo @Wibbley Where do each of you live, if you don't mind me asking?
    I was born and raised in Minnesota most of my life, to which Tornadoes, Snowstorms, Damaging Hailstorms, and Flood-inducing Thunderstorms, were all things I grew up experiencing... enough so that MN has the classic Severe Weather Sirens ALL over the place. Although, thankfully, no damage from any of those aside from a couple lost shingles and some small dents from the hail in a car my parents had that was outside at the time.
    I'm not positive I've ever seen a legitimate Tornado though. I tell myself I have, but I'm pretty sure it was just a distant whisp of cloud that happened to be present when a big storm was brewing. lol
    I HAVE seen the skys turn a deep teal colored green due to the storm clouds rolling in, and we've had plenty of Tornado Watch and actual Warnings over those years :P (I always found it weird that the "Watch" was for you to be cautious because the conditions are right, and "Warning" for when there's actually been one spotted; always felt backwards to me lol)
    Now I live in Eastern Tennessee, where all of those things are UNcommon! Sure, we have the Sirens........ but they aren't used for Severe Weather warning. Nay, it's Evacuation Sirens for if the local Nuclear Power Plant goes critical! lmao
    There's been severe weather, really high winds, and even a Tornado within the last couple years, but they don't blare the sirens for that.
    Speaking of wind, though. It wasn't till living here, a few years ago, that I actually got to experience the "Wind Blowing So Hard it Sounds Like a Freight Train Coming"... that was pretty cool heh

    (Also, I can confirm: outside indeed becomes a free Walk-In Freezer to store stuff during the winter lol)

    2.5 years ago
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    16.5k FlirBlitz

    @Wibbley dang...

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    16.5k FlirBlitz

    @CC1010 yeah lol

    2.5 years ago
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    26.4k Wibbley

    A little story, not exactly about a tornado, but about a very strong snowstorm.
    One day I was walking from school, at first it was just an ordinary snowfall (perhaps just because I was walking between houses, the wind was not so strong, and it was colder than usual with snowfalls).
    In general, when I was approaching my home, the wind increased sharply, and such snow fell that it was almost impossible to see anything across the road, and on the road itself it twisted into small whirlwinds. I go out on this road and realize that not only can I not move, but I'm being dragged back and I'm walking like Michael Jackson, like a very drunk Michael Jackson so I had to hide behind the wall of another house and wait.
    While waiting, the blows of the metal roof falling off the garages were heard. In general, I'm waiting, and the wind is not abating, but I understand that if I wait, I'll freeze to hell. I had to go, I quickly ran across the road to where the snow was softer so as not to slip, and slowly but surely began to make my way to the house. When I got home, I was almost killed by the heavy front door, through which the wind was blowing.
    When I came home, my face hurt, as if a huge piece of sand had been thrown into it many times in a row. A little later I went out to the balcony for soup (yes, in winter we store food on the balcony, because it's much colder there than in the freezer of the refrigerator, and there is more space. Yes, a piece of soup with ice is also quite common). In general, the balcony was shaking so that the glass rattled and it was very scary.
    As a result, the roof of some garages was torn off, and somewhere in the city there was no light

    2.5 years ago
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    3,611 Dathcha

    Wide putin tornado lol

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    16.5k FlirBlitz

    @CrimsonOnigiri well, it was only EF1 and it barely even touched my house. And by that I mean it simply blew on me a bit like a person putting out a candle and that was it. though some people saw damage. If I remember correctly someone was outside and they looked up and saw that monster coming towards him. To be honest since I've never actually seen a tornado (thanks storm chasers), I was pretty scared because well, dude it's a tornado go to 2011 Joplin and you'll see what i mean. Thankfully as I said, no one died unlike Joplin and El Reno? I really don't know about El Reno

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    19.4k KudaOni

    The amount of courage this dude has. I would've went to the basement and just played SP till the noises go away

    +2 2.5 years ago